Sunday, May 24, 2009

My triplets

Saylor has this doll that is the size of the twins... I laugh every time she gets it out because they both stare at it and reach for it like it's another baby. I think, that they think it's their "missing" sibling. Here's a pic of the three of them. Don't they all look so happy together?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

"She wore in itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini"

Here are the twins sporting their new summer suits. We finally found some matching ones for Slade and Keller and found another bathing suit for Ramsey and Saylor to match. They are all going to have so much fun with their cousins on the beach this summer!!

Monday, May 18, 2009


My Slade-Dog looking manly!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

more fun every day!!

These two just keep getting more fun by the day. Here is Ramsey snuggling up to her big brother... it was so SO precious!!!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I don't believe in evolution... BUT

Saylor is obsessed with picking cradle cap out of the babies heads.... it always reminds me of the monkeys at the zoo. Check out Slade's face... not happy with big sis!!! LOL

A wonderful visit with the fam

Saylor sporting her "I love NICK shirt" and she DOES love him

She was sad to see Nick go

Buffy with her 2 nieces

19 week pregnant Buffy

Keller hates seeing Mimi leave

Ramsey with cousin Chace (5 months difference)

Jennifer and son Chace

Aunt Jennifer with Slade-Dog

All the cousins .... buffy adding a girl soon to even out the numbers... boys still in the lead

Both my sisters flew in from North Carolina and my parents drove over from Arizona for the weekend. We had so much fun watching the kids play and babies interact. I'm so thankful I had the chance to see them all... especially on Mother's day.
I grew up with lots and lots of cousins and would LOVE for my kids to grow up KNOWING their cousins as well. SO....... we FINALLY booked flights to the OBX (outer banks) in July. We'll have almost a week of COUSIN TIME on the beach! We are so excited (not about the actual flight) but having time as a family together. Kingsley and I really want to take a family vacation each year, so this year it's going to be on the East Coast (while the twins are able to fly free:) Once they hit 2, I doubt we'll fly much... :) I'm already counting down... 9 weeks and 5 days!!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The perfect Mother's Day...

Watching the waves

Daddy with one of his princesses

happy girl

Heading to the upper deck

Getting knocked over by silly kids

Saylor in love with the waves

"Mommy, the sea lion is THIS big"

"Look Mommy, I see a sea lion"

I had such a wonderful mother's day, it really couldn't have been more perfect. The day started out with breakfast with my two sisters (a mom and mommy to be) and my OWN mother. Then we said good-bye as they left for Arizona. Kingsley and the kids took me down to Orange County where we took the ferry over to balboa and hopped on an island cruise and looked for sea lions! After the boat ride we went into the local arcade and played some games... then the older kids went on the ferris wheel. I was having so much fun watching them have fun. We stopped off to eat then headed to our good friends, the Williams house. We had a great time visiting and laughing (with our 9 kids). We always enjoy time with them, so it was great to see them on Mother's Day. All the kids were great. The twins slept a lot and the older two had a day with "no attitudes"... that makes for a great day mother's day or NOT!

I'm so thankful to be called their mother... they are the best part of me.. that is for sure!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My baby's 4 yr old picture

I still can't believe it's been 4 years... where does time go? Here is my precious princess (YES... SHE HAD to wear a TIERRA... like a TRUE princess:)

Monday, May 4, 2009

The many faces of Slade

I know I take WAY too many pictures.... but even now at 10 weeks old they have changed so much and I just want to capture every single moment! I love these babies more than I ever could have imagined. I was worried having two that I would love one more than the other and it's just not possible. They both are so very different and I love everything about both of them. Here is my stingy smiler.... he's turning into such a chunk!!!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Nana & Pop Pop

Nana & Pop Pop came out to San DIego for a convention and made the 3 hour hike up here to see us and the twins for the day. We had a busy, but fun day shopping and eating! Here are a few pictures of them seeing/meeting their grandaughter and grandson for the first time.

Friday, May 1, 2009

My baby turns 4!

Today, 4 years ago, I sat in the hospital staring into the eyes of my beautiful baby girl... and today I am doing the same thing. I am beyond blessed to have this precious little girl in my life and even more blessed to be called her mother! She has been the EASIEST baby, toddler, and little girl. She is just so pleasant to be around! The past few months she has been asking SO many questions about God, heaven, Jesus, etc. My prayer for this girl is that God grabs a hold of her heart and makes her even more beautiful than she already by His life shining in her.

Since we've been sick for almost 2 weeks now, I decided to just keep her birthday low key and maybe have her first ever slumber party in a few weeks. Her Nana and Pop Pop came in town for the day (from NJ) and took her on a shopping spree and tried to spoil her rotten, but she didn't want much! What kid puts things back and constantly is saying "no, thank you" when you are trying to buy them the entire store??? She is an odd little thing... but she did pick out a few things she liked. What she really wanted was a "tinker bell" cake. I managed to pull it off as you can see and now I have a very VERY happy 4 year old!

We are off to picture people for her 4 yr old picture... she requested a dress and curly hair for the occasion. I love having a "girly" girl! Oh and she also wanted to sleep in "mommy's bed". (not sure if she meant the couch or the bed:) How can I turn down snuggling her all night??? It will be fun to just love on her and let her know how much she means to us!!! I thank the Lord for another year He's allowed me to have with her....