Saturday, September 26, 2009


My man has got some serious catfish barbels going on....

A few more of Princess Ramsey and Prince Slade

7 months!

A few days ago... my babies turned 7 months and I have NO idea where the time has gone. I guess we get So busy in the day to day tasks that we don't take a step backwards and realize just how precious every moment really is!

Life with twins is still an adjustment (to say the least) for me. There are some days that I think "Man, this is SO easy, and I could literally have 100 kids" and other days I think "Oh my, how am I possibly going to make it through one more day"? Thankfully I'm adjusting to chaos and it's become the "norm" so to speak (but also explains the lack of blogging).

Both babies are doing well. Slade is HUGE... and Ramsey remains my lil peanut. Both personalities are coming in strong. Slade is either hot or cold. He can really throw a temper tantrum, but then 2 sec later be laughing and giggling. Ramsey is more neutral. She is stingy with her smiles, but equally so she doesn't get too upset. She is NOT the great sleeper that her brother is turning out to be. She takes little 20 min cat naps all day while he takes good 2 hour naps. At night he only wakes up once between 7-6am. Meanwhile Ramsey is still waking at midnight, and 3! so between the 2 of them I am up atleast 3 times a night... Then there is Keller who is wetting the bed every other night... so that is another time I get up and am changing sheets. Once I go to bed around midnight, I'm usually up every hour during the night for something. Sadly, I'm used to it and it's another "norm". But to be blessed with these two precious little ones, the lack of sleep is NOTHING....

Both babies are able to sit up for quite a long time. I don't just sit them up and walk away though... we have some hard floors and if they fall, well it wouldn't be a pretty site. They have been rolling over for quite some time and it looks as if ramsey will crawl soon. She gets up on all 4's and rocks back and forth. It's just a matter of weeks before they are "mobile" and life will change all over again:) Neither will take a pacifier, but THANKFULLY Ramsey sucks her 3rd and 4th fingers... Keller gets all excited b/c it looks like she's doing a spider man web thing.... lol.

So life is good. Babies are doing very well and I know these are the most precious and cherished moments of my life. I don't take it for granted and am so thankful for the chaos God has graciously allowed me to go through. I'll write more later.. but here are a few more pics for now.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

holding on tight.

Tonight Ramsey awoke screaming in such a panic. I rushed in and grabbed her and just held her. One hand behind her head the other wrapped around her back and just rocked her little fragile body and held her so tight. She nuzzled her sweet little face down in my neck and started sucking her 2 little fingers. Everytime I tried to put her down she screamed like there was no tomorrow, so I kept picking her back up and holding her tight. I KNOW she felt safe when I held her, she felt secure, there was no fear, no worry. I realized that I too am like Ramsey. When I am with my creator, the one who gave me life is the ONLY place I have security and safety. Nothing else on this earth will satisfy, nothing is secure but him. How thankful I am to be called his daughter and know that he holds me in the palm of his hand where it's safe, a place I have no worry or fear. I needed to see the symbolism tonight ...