Tuesday, September 15, 2009

holding on tight.

Tonight Ramsey awoke screaming in such a panic. I rushed in and grabbed her and just held her. One hand behind her head the other wrapped around her back and just rocked her little fragile body and held her so tight. She nuzzled her sweet little face down in my neck and started sucking her 2 little fingers. Everytime I tried to put her down she screamed like there was no tomorrow, so I kept picking her back up and holding her tight. I KNOW she felt safe when I held her, she felt secure, there was no fear, no worry. I realized that I too am like Ramsey. When I am with my creator, the one who gave me life is the ONLY place I have security and safety. Nothing else on this earth will satisfy, nothing is secure but him. How thankful I am to be called his daughter and know that he holds me in the palm of his hand where it's safe, a place I have no worry or fear. I needed to see the symbolism tonight ...

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