Thursday, October 22, 2009

Make a Wish....

I find my 4 year old's mind FASCINATING... the stuff she thinks of, or says just amazes me at times. Today she really impressed me with her "role" playing abilities. When I was 4 I remember playing dolls and playing house, and pretending to be a mom, etc... but not sure my mind is triggered the way hers is. Today she "gave birth" to a little girl named "hannah". She brought Hannah down in a bassinet and told me it was time to say goodbye to her. I asked her where she was going to which she responded "she's dying". Shocked by her comment I said "WHAT?, what happened, you just had her?" She said, "Yes, I know mommy, but my hannah was born with a brain tumor and now she is going to die, but it's OK, because she will be with Jesus". Not knowing what to say, she went on and said "maybe you can be here when the 'men' come". of course I ask "what men?" she said " you know the men that come and ask her what her ONE wish is before you die". (Make-a-Wish foundation). WOW!!! Apparently Hannah's last wish (as a newborn) was to swim with the dolphins and go to disneyland. I am so thankful for my observant and compassionate little Saylor. She teaches me to be aware of others and their circumstances (this role play is primarily due to the little girl, Kate we pray for each night

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

My newest and ONLY niece on Ramsey side...

My sweet little niece, Lily was born a week ago. She is just as adorable as can be! My sister started to develop a fever and Lily's heart rate was quickly going over 200 so they took her via c-section. Mom and baby are both doing GREAT (as you can see). Welcome to the world and into our family Lily.. .you are beautiful!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Well it's official... both babies are now sitting confidently with no assistance needed. They have been doing well for a few months now, but I never felt I could sit them down and walk away. I LOVE watching them sit and interact with one another. Ramsey will just sit and watch Slade squeal over a toy, then she'll try and take it away from him. The look on his face when this happens is priceless. He is in utter shock that she would do such a thing. Once he realizes that she is more flexible and can turn her back away from him to protect that toy, it's like his world is crashing in. He just throws his head down and sobs and screams with NO end. The response from her is also priceless. She smiles and coos and laughs at his "fits". This is ONLY the beginning of things to come for this poor little boy. Having twins is like having a first born child, everything is so new and exciting. Not that it wasn't new and exciting when I had Saylor (fun being my 1st girl) but having two is a whole new ball game. I'll write more on their sweet little personalities once I get them calmed down and in bed... Here are a few pics of my proud sitters!

Friday, October 2, 2009

And MORE baby pictures

Yes, more and more baby pictures... why???? Because this is a blog about them:) So they will just keep coming I guess... who knows for how long..

It still amazes me that ONE baby can be formed and turn out so perfectly... but TWO is just mind blowing to me. By far the most common comment in public (other than "glad it's you and not me" to which I respond "me too") is "wow, you are double blessed" and I truly am. I can't get enough of these babies. I am so very thankful to be called their mother. I pray I give them the best of me.