Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A woman who has changed my life....

Some days I have time to sit down and think of the people God has put in my life strategically at times to grow me, challenge me and help mold and change me (other days it's simply SURVIVAL), but today I had a minute to sit and think and just thank God for someone specific, and this is HER.... my friend, BW. I wish I had an elaborate vocabulary and great writing skills to communicate just how amazing she is and how she has changed my life, but since I do NOT... I will express it like a typical 15 year old... I LOVE HER TO DEATH:)

Most people do not meet let alone have the privilege of knowing a person such as her. She is by FAR the most selfless, most thoughtful, giving and caring person I know. She is the epitome of a Proverbs 31 woman. She is a friend who doesn't tell you what you want to hear, but yet what you NEED to hear, and with more love and grace imaginable. She humbly admits when she is wrong (not often:) and serves her husband and family with everything she has.

Anyway, I was feeling sentimental and in the rare case SHE has time to read this (has 5 little ones of her own) I wanted her to know that I'm blessed beyond measure to not only know her but call her friend.... Thank you BW for being you, for being who God has called you to be, for not being of this world, and keeping me thinking straight. I love you girl....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Birthday Party fun

We had a blast at our friend's little birthday party. Only in LA will you see someone's pet goats and pet pigs wandering through the house with more privileges than kids:)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

pumpkin patch pics

Sorry for posting late, been having problems getting my pics uploaded. I have a feeling I have TOO many saved on my computer.

We had such a blast visiting the patch with the little one's. They just are amazed by everything they see and touch. It's fun watching them experience life!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Slade's 2nd haircut already!!!!


It's been TOO long...

This is for the ONE person out there that probably still checks this once in awhile... I'm pretty sure blogging had died out thanks to Facebook and the like. But for those that choose NOT to follow the crowd on FB, here I am still blogging:)

Things have been quite hectic around here. The day has arrived. The dreaded and feared moment... both twins are now mobile! One I could handle, but two is crazy. It's like they conspire and go opposite directions on PURPOSE. They are smart little boogers. Ramsey has the speed advantage, but Slade has the size, so when he sees her take off, he'll grab her and scream. I'm not sure why, but he just doesn't want her getting away. She will then throw her head down in tears and he takes the moment and will SLOWLY move by her. It's like the tortoise and the hare!!! I can't help but laugh. The few times Slade isn't quick enough to grab her she is off and moving and you'll NEVER know where you will find her! She is fast and likes to hide. It's like having a mouse in the house! They are just as fun as can be though. For naps they are in separate cribs and will peek through the slats and babble with each other! I love just listening to them. It is true for fraternal twins as it is with identical.. they really do have their "own" language. Having twins is like having your firstborn child ... everything is new and exciting. You are experiencing things differently. I love that God has allowed me to experience this here on this earth.

Let's see... a month or two ago all 4 kids got hand, foot, mouth disease (not sure if i mentioned it). Keller joyfully shared it with his siblings after school one day. The older 2 were OK with it, but the babies got these awful blisters in their mouths and refused to eat. They screamed for days b/c they were hungry, then screamed b/c it hurt to take a bottle. It was miserable but like anything else we survived.

Well here are a few more pics until I get the rest uploaded.