It was such a beautiful day yesterday, so we spent most of it outside at a park. The twins are at ages where they can now enjoy swings and slides with the older two. I love sitting and watching the older two dote on them and carry them around showing them all the toys as if they were "park experts". I sat there thinking "life just can't get any better than this". As hard as these last few months have been adjusting to mobile babies, it truly is equally rewarding.
They are now 10 months!!! Where does time go? I believe it was last year around this time that I was admitted into the hospital and spent 3-4 of the worst weeks of my life there. What a difference this year brings being able to walk, run and play with ALL my kids this year. I'm thankful for just that.
Ramsey is now waving at everyone and everything. She is as happy as a baby could possibly be. She is so little and fast. Slade can clap and actually amuses himself with that progress. It's beyond funny to walk in their room and see her waving to him (cribs face each other) and to see him laughing and clapping. It's as if he's clapping at her success in waving. Those two are a riot. They both pull themselves up on EVERYTHING and are walking around furniture. Ramsey will let go and stand for a few seconds unassisted before falling/sitting down. I'm betting she'll be my first walker.
Here are a few pics of our family day out...
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