Sunday, July 18, 2010

been awhile

Well it's been awhile... I've been wanting to update blog, but nothing too exciting has been going on (which I guess NO NEWS is GOOD news).

The babies aren't really babies anymore... they are little toddlers. They are on the go from the time they wake up to the time they go to bed.... I cherish those FEW hours alone after they have gone to sleep!! Slade is actually talking more than Ramsey and knows a little sign language to help him communicate. Ramsey is more quiet but BUSY. Slade says "ball, eyes, hat, bye bye, and dada". Neither say "mama" yet. Oh well. Slade also climbed out of his crib for the first time. I left the side rail down during nap and was VERY surprised to see him appear in the kitchen a few minutes later!!! Slade is still my more "passionate" (code word for EMOTIONAL MESS) baby. He gets upset quite easy and will throw his head down and bang it continuously on the tile floor. In many pictures you will see a bump or bruise on his forehead! Ramsey will sit and watch and laugh at him. She claps at the show, which only makes little Slade more upset. Ramsey is very easy going. She ONLY cries when I put her in bed for the night... other than that she never cries. She is a very contented and happy baby, which is why everyone prefers to hold her over Slade.

The comment I am getting from EVERYONE these days is "WOW, so how far apart are they?" to which I say "Oh about 5 min". No one can tell they are twins. Slade is a little bigger (not a WHOLE year bigger) but Ramsey is still a little peanut. All my kids grow fast and grow big, so it's nice to have ONE child stay in clothes a little longer!!! She is a picky eater and takes FOREVER to eat, whereas Slade can't shovel the food in fast enough.

We are excited to travel to Palm Springs to see Mimi and Diddy this week. The kids miss them and are SO excited to see them again. Saylor talks about going to Starbucks with Diddy ALONE and getting strawberries and cream smoothie. It's her "special" thing to do with him. She will always remember and have that memory of her grandfather. My grandfather always walked me up to the hardware store and bought me a bag of gum that looked like rocks. To this day I cherish holding his hand on the walk and getting that gum. It was my special thing with him.

We start school in a month, so now begins the clothes and supply shopping. Saylor goes into Kinder and Keller in 1st. They go to a charter school, so they will be in SAME class from 8-12, then saylor will come home and they work on 1st grade stuff until 3. She is excited to be in class WITH keller and all his friends who she knows so well already. She has been planning her first day of school outfit over and over again as well as practicing how she'll do her hair. She is growing up too fast.

That's it for now. Here are a few pictures from our Picture People session. I adore these kids. I'm so thankful for each day with them.

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