Friday, August 22, 2008


Here are some answers to questions I've had lately:

1. Are you showing yet?

Answer: Yes and No. I feel I was "showing" even BEFORE I got but honestly, probably not. With twins, it's recommended to gain 15-20 in the first trimester and will the sickness I've had, I've managed to actually lose 9 lbs. Never thought of getting pregnant to LOSE weight! I do feel my uterus getting bloated, but not ready for maternity clothes just yet.

2. Do twins run in your family?

Answer: Yes, my grandfather (on my dad's side), Leland Ramsey was a fraternal twin.

3. Are you having a C-section?

Answer: I PRAY I do not! There obviously is a higher chance of delivering via C-section given multiple babies, but my Dr. will deliver vaginal with 3 stipulations: 1) BOTH babies must be head down. 2) I can not deliver in a delivery room, must be in the Operating Room and 3) Unlike my other pregnancies, I have no option for epidural, I must have it. (sniff, sniff)

4. Will you find out the sexes?

Answer: Do any of you KNOW ME???? I have NO discipline to wait... of course we will, given both babies cooperate.

5. When is your due date?

Answer: My 40 week due date is March 13, 2008, but I am expecting to deliver early February.

6. How are your Dr.'s visits different than with a single baby?

Answer: For starters, I go to the Dr. every 2 weeks instead of every month. After 20 weeks, I'll go every week, whereas I don't think you do that with a single until around 35 weeks. One of the nice things is I get an ultrasound (with pics and video) everytime I go into the Dr.'s. I will also being seeing a perintologist throughout the pregnancy in addition to my OBGYN (guess it's standard procedure for this hospital).

7. Why are you considered "high risk"?

Answer: Apparently just carrying multiples puts you into the category of high risk. There tends to be a higher miscarriage rate with twins, higher chance of developing gestaional diabetes and preeclampsia. Other than those concerns, twins that are in the same sac and/or share the same placenta are at risk for TTTTS (twin to twin transfer syndrome) and the umbilical cords could get tangled up!

8. Are your twins fraternal or identical? (my first question to my Dr!)

Answer: There is no way of knowing (unless you have one boy and one girl on gender u/s, which would mean fraternal) until after they are born and even then it is difficult to tell. They can send the placenta to a lab for testing to find out for sure.

9. Other twin mom's have asked, Are your twins di di or mono di?

Answer: Mine are di/di (diamniotic/dichorionic... which essentially means ... they are in their OWN amniotic sac and have their OWN placenta.

Feel free to ask me any questions.... as I'm learning about this as I go.

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