Wednesday, July 29, 2009

OBX Fave

I'll upload more pictures later, but for now, this came in 1st place as my FAVORITE picture during our vacation to the Outer Banks, NC. Keller just adores his Uncle Brant...

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 month girlies...

One is Saylor and one is Ramsey... both 3 months.

my baby...

Literally my baby... the runt and the last born. She is so sweet with all her expressions...

Saturday, July 18, 2009

MORE Fires...

What is California known for (Other than perfect weather, perfect plastic bodies, beaches, earthquakes and Hollywood)??? It's the brush FIRES that seem to rage every summer! Thankfully we have survived the summer without too many close to our home (we live in fire zone). We had one hit last week (kids lit the fire in canyon near our house) and it burned 17 acres and brought out all the creepy crawly critters (tarantulas). Last night I was driving home and noticed the "oh too familiar" smell and sound of helicopters and fire trucks. Sure enough there was a fire in the canyon behind our house. I usually like the fires because it brings the neighbors out and makes us socialize whereas normally our neighbors keep to themselves. So I got super excited to hang out with all the neighbors, but then the cops came by ordering a voluntary evacuation. I watched in amazement as the fire climbed an enormous hill in a matter of seconds. (thankfully it burns slow coming down). In a second I realized we THINK we are in control, we have a sense of "security" but this is GOD's earth, his creation, his masterpiece and HIS to do with whatever he wants. We don't live in our world, we live in HIS world! Thankfully he's promised not to destroy it through another flood, but we are at HIS mercy. I don't always think that way, and it's good to have reminders. The power and awesomeness of a raging, burning all consuming fire is yet another reminder.

We eventually had a mandatory evacuation and we stayed with a friend until it was controlled. This is the 3rd time in 5 years that I've had to sit at my front door and think "what do I take, what pictures, what files, what material possessions do I not want destroyed?" each time I draw a blank and I take nothing but the kids and myself. Maybe I'm not organized enough to grab it in a moments notice or maybe I just don't value any possessions, but another reminder that we are born with nothing and we can take nothing out when we leave this earth.

We are back in the house and safe (though it smells of smoke). Even though I love the lessons I learn from brush fires, here's hoping we don't have anymore this summer:)

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

Her burdened heart....

I'm quickly realizing that I have one obsessive little girl... SAYLOR. She is such a fun but odd child at times. I love watching life through her eyes. She sees things untainted. She imagines without fear and loves with no boundaries. Watching her brings me back to fond memories of my childhood. I love ALL my kids (obviously), but with each age comes different developmental processes and right now I'm thoroughly enjoying Saylor's 4 yr. old mind.

Someone we know posted a link to a family who recently discovered that their 5 yr. old daughter has a very aggressive brain tumor. Her name is Kate Mcrae ( For a very apparent reason (blond hair, blue eyes, and her age) Saylor has really taken to this little girl who she has never met. From the time she wakes up to the time she goes to bed she is BEGGING me to show her the video's posted of her on youtube. She will replay them OVER AND OVER again. She mimics little phrases that Kate makes, sings the lyrics to the song by Robbie Seay Band on video, and is asking 1001 questions. She prays for little Kate before every meal and before bedtime. (Keller who is unaware of the situation prays for Kate as well just b/c he hears Saylor obsessing over it). We pray for many people, so what has made Saylor especially concerned for this little girl? When I mention Kate's name, Saylor's little ears perk up and I know that I have 100% of her undivided attention. It's been an amazing tool to teach her about God, sickness, death, Christ, life, etc. Every day she asks "So did God decide to give little Kate another day to live, because I prayed for her last night"? And every day I get to tell her, "Yes honey, God DID decide to give her today". It's really had me thinking about how I spend my day with my kids. I have put myself in Kate's moms shoes many of times. What if I were to wake up one morning to see Saylor's little hand tremor... take her to Dr. then hear the devestating news that she has an aggressive malignant brain tumor?

So many times I just assume I'll have tomorrow.. but tomorrow is not promised to us. Being home with 4 kids is a juggling act and I'm constantly saying "not now", "maybe later" "please wait", "hold on", but all we have is the present. I'm committing today to put my kids needs above mine. To show them that THEY matter more than my "wants". To let them know that if today is all we have then I will give them 100% of my attention and love. What a gift today is.

Please pray for little Kate. She has a very tough and long rode ahead of her.

Friday, July 10, 2009


The race was on for the first milestone and it looks like Slade-Dog takes first place. He was the first to roll over from tummy to back. Way to go big man... we all had bets on Ramsey as she has more coordination, but you pulled through and proved us wrong!!! Ramsey just sat confused and bewildered with his new trick. I'm sure she will follow soon. Here is a pic of the proud man before taking his prize (a big giant kiss and some milk from mommy). Oh and the mohawk is his new do thanks to Ramsey sucking ALL the hair off the side of his head... could be some jealousy over his hair???

Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's been awhile

Well it's been awhile since I've posted. Seems "daily" life is getting more hectic by the day. I'll fill you on some of the things going on, hives (me), possibly a helmet for Slade's fat head, and some other things later. But the babies are doing O.K. both are recovering from a little cold and have a nasty cough. They are both getting bigger by the day.
Ramsey just started blowing rasberries and it keeps her busy for HOURS (and entertains Slade) on end. She seems so proud of herself. Slade just loves watching her. You can tell he's tried a few times, but he'd much rather watch her do the action. Here is a video a friend of ours took with the NEW IPHONE (yes, I covet it).