Thursday, July 9, 2009

It's been awhile

Well it's been awhile since I've posted. Seems "daily" life is getting more hectic by the day. I'll fill you on some of the things going on, hives (me), possibly a helmet for Slade's fat head, and some other things later. But the babies are doing O.K. both are recovering from a little cold and have a nasty cough. They are both getting bigger by the day.
Ramsey just started blowing rasberries and it keeps her busy for HOURS (and entertains Slade) on end. She seems so proud of herself. Slade just loves watching her. You can tell he's tried a few times, but he'd much rather watch her do the action. Here is a video a friend of ours took with the NEW IPHONE (yes, I covet it).

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