Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A genie in the bottle.

I don't know about most of you, but night time is just about dreadful around here. Tempers flare, people are hungry and tired and yet we still have SO much to do before our heads hit the pillows. There is dinner, clean up, baths, brushing teeth, getting pj's on, feeding twins, changing diapers, more baths, nursing, packing lunches for next day, laying out clothes, storytime etc.... Each night can be a struggle especially since Kingsley works so hard at night so I can stay home and be with the kids, but the last few nights have been especially hard for some reason. Keller, who is usually not so observant did happen to take notice. Tonight in a worn out very tired voice I said "Can you PLEASE go take a shower, brush teeth and get Pj's on"? I truly expected resistance, which leads to discipline, but to my amazement his response was "Your wish is my command". WOW. That's all I can say is WOW. God really knew my breaking point was close and he put it in little Keller's heart to respond with respect and love (and a little comedy). It was amazing how one little phrase got me out of the "rut" so to speak and put me in a right frame of mind. I realized we all have the power to do that with EVERY PERSON we come in contact with. We have the ability and opportunity within and out of our homes to make another person's life easier and more positive. I'm not saying ease of life is the goal, but to love one another and come along side them and supporting them with encouragement. We may never know the circumstances that lead up to our encounter with someone, but we have so many opportunities to make another's life better through a Christ like attitude. So tonight, I thank you my sweet Keller for teaching mommy instead of mommy teaching you. I love you and am so proud of you.

1 comment:

Chels said...

Praying for you cuz! So sweet to catch up on your blog!! If my vacation plans fall through... you want some help in Aug?? Miss you tons and soooo proud of you!
XOXO, Chels