Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Explanation of the "mohawk"

I know I've been bad at blogging lately. I'm not sure anyone reads this (or so I figured why spend the time... but then I realized HOW FAR BEHIND I am in updating the twins baby books, so this is a good timeline of events for me to go back and look at then record... so this is for me...

Everyone keeps asking about Slade's poor hair. He was born with such a great head of dark hair and slowly it's been disappearing. I thought maybe it's falling out, but then one day I walked in and saw Ramsey latched on to the side of his head with her mouth covered in hair and the sheet covered in Slade's beautiful hair. They were both laughing and he had his first "hicky" on his head. I then realized the 2nd crib was needed... SOON. I tried to separate them at night, but she managed to gnaw away on his giant man head! Now they both sleep soundly in their own cribs (unless I fail to do laundry and have no clean sheet.. .then they bunk together). So now the question is what to do with the few hairs Slade has left??? I don't want to give him his first haircut under 6 months old (though we can kind of thank Ramsey for that)... and if I do nothing he looks like he's got the "comb over". So we spike it. I think it's good for him to embrace his heritage of the wyandott tribe from my side of the family (he is 1/64th native american)...

I usually let the twins play together in the morning before we go down and start the day... and lately Slade (who RARELY cries) has been getting upset. I'll peak in the room and he seems fine, then I leave and I hear him cry again. I just assumed he wanted to be held. TODAY though... I quietly watched to see what was REALLY going on...

Here is what I saw...........

1 comment: said...

Girl, I'm still reading and enjoying every minute of it. That was great.. poor little Slade..Ramsey was smiling her little head off.. HA ha.. that was hilarious.