Saturday, December 5, 2009


AGGGHHH Here I am at midnight and EVERYONE is asleep, except me! I could've gone to bed 2 hours ago, but here I am. I know what is happening. From the time I hear that first little cry or "da da da da" in the morning, my day is off and running, with almost no stopping. It's not really until 10pm that I can sit down, rest and relax. I'm almost afraid to fall asleep b/c I know once I do, the madness starts all over again. I want to sit and enjoy the peace and quiet and SILENCE. Though in saying that I realize there will come a day VERY soon where it will all be silent and I would do ANYTHING to hear squealing, laughing, screaming, fighting, teasing, phineas and ferb on TV, etc... I don't long for that day, I'm thankful for the chaos and the moment to moment things that happen in a day, but yet at the END of the day I think of ALL the things that DID NOT get done that day and how long the list will be tomorrow, and knowing tomorrow's list won't get done which makes 2 days from now twice as long and so on. It's an overwhelming feeling to say the least. But today when I looked at Ramsey and she just laughed and laughed and wouldn't stop crawling to me just giggling (slap happy giggle) I realized there will ALWAYS be a list and that I can't live to get it done, I have to stop and say the #1 thing ON that list is to love and nurture these 4 blessings God has given me. If I don't get anything else done in a day, at least I got the MOST important one done. I grabbed her and loved on her and she was eating it up. It's these moments that we aren't promised to have tomorrow.

Well I'm exhausted and life is good.


Lori White said...

my sentiments exactly - although it is 2.35 pm CST (waiting for John to come home from school and Janie napping)...

Roland Sorge said...

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Uncle Roland and Cheri. Uncle Roland reminds you that he hasn't seen you since he danced at your wedding. Missed seeing you at Bobby's wedding, but love finding the pictures on your blog! You can contact Uncle Roland at Much love to all of you. said...

I believe in Sanity time.. it's much needed for any mom...especially a mom of four. .

Andrea said...

WOW!!! UNCLE ROLAND!!! I can't believe it's been 10 years since I've seen you. Oh how I miss you and will always remember "our" dance. Kingsley keeps talking about seeing you at the wedding and how you had everyone laughing. I'm going to add your email and shoot you off a letter tomorrow. Hope all is well. We love and miss you!!