Thursday, January 7, 2010

With tears

I can't help but sit and sob. My heart broken in a million pieces. Why you ask? I sit here watching my little girl (Saylor) jump joyfully on the trampoline. She is laughing and jumping (pushing her brother) and grinning from ear to ear. She has a little knitted cap on with her hair pulled up. Looking at her, you wouldn't see her beautiful blond hair. She smiles at me and she waves. In an instant my mind and thoughts go to Holly, a woman I don't even know, yet today she is suffering. Her 4 yr old daughter, Kate, who has a striking resemblance to Saylor, finished her MRI today and her brain tumor remains, with large veins bleeding and pumping right through the tumor, feeding it, growing it. There most likely will not be another brain surgery. Her blog ( is so open and honest about the trial they are going through. Just 6 months ago they were signed up for swimming lessons, she too was jumping and playing, laughing and smiling at her mom through the window. Within an instant, a day, their whole world was turned upside down with a hand tremor and a diagnosis of an aggressive brain tumor. I'm not usually this compassionate (i know negative trait) or emotional, especially with a stranger, but I can't help but walk in her shoes and mourn with her. Last thanksgiving they thanked God for such a healthy and strong family, not knowing that secretly something was growing and attacking the life of their child. Sometimes I can't help and wonder "could that be me"? The answer is a resounding YES.. it COULD be me, it COULD be YOU... it can be any one of us. We are never promised tomorrow. Holly and Aaron went public to gain more prayer for their daughter through their brothers and sisters in Christ. Please take a minute and pray for them. I know she must be an amazing mother, wife and woman or else God wouldn't have chosen HER specifically to go through such a trial. I can only pray I honor God with 1/2 as much grace in my trials. I'm thankful today, so thankful to have HAD today. I'm thankful that TODAY we are alive and can glorify God. The first 2 pictures are of my little Saylor, and the bottom 2 pictures are of this little girl Kate.

1 comment:

Luan's Dress Shop said...

I love you you! You have such a good heart.
My heart aches for Kates family and I continue to lift them up in prayer.

Miss you guys!