Wednesday, May 19, 2010

twin antics

I must say that I do INDEED love having twins. I meet SO many people that say "Oh I always wanted twins" or "I was REALLY hoping I'd end up with twins" and while I was NEVER one of those people who thought about having twins, I wouldn't trade it for the world. Caring for twins is so much harder than just a singleton. Sometimes I have pity parties and WISH someone understood what it was like, how difficult it is, but I realize that no matter HOW hard our situation is, there is ALWAYS someone who has it harder. A friend of mine had TRIPLETS, so I think of her often:) I won't go into details of the hardship, because who TRULY delights or wants to know of our frustrations. The flip side of the trial is that you DO get TWICE the amount of giggles, laughs and kisses. We have started a bedtime routine of playing in their room for about an hour before they settle down and go to bed. I sit in there with them and get tackled and smothered with kisses. One is kissing the top of my head and the other is kissing my face, both laughing hysterically! Reading books to babies, with two on your lap, is so fun. They will look at each other, point to pictures, laugh together and try to turn the pages. It's amazing to watch them interact together. When you have one baby and put them next to another baby (a cousin, friend, etc...) you keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't pull hair, or tackle each other, or hurt each other, but with twins, they are SO used to being together that you never worry about them getting hurt together. With twins, it's not a novelty to have another baby around, they are just used to having each other so they learn to get along even while babies!

The other day I was upstairs while they were in their high chairs and I heard the "belly" laugh... nonstop giggling. I peeked over the staircase to see Ramsey feeding Slade all her food! (It's no wonder he's so much bigger). They thought that was the funniest thing and of course so did Keller and Saylor!

When you have a single baby, you become "alarmed" when it's "quiet", because you KNOW they are into something! With twins, you are alarmed when they laugh, because ONE of them is into something and the other is laughing at them! I heard Slade laughing hard, so I of course run into the room to see that Ramsey had somehow climbed up on the dresser and was throwing diapers and toys down to him. A few days ago I heard Ramsey squealing and laughing (again you have to run quick at laughter) and I found Slade had crawled out the back door (one of the older two left it open). While he was happy to escape, Ramsey's laughter got him caught!

Sometimes I wish time would stand still. I love this part of life, when kids are little, at home, happy to spend time with us. I know things will change, but I'm enjoying these precious precious years!

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