Monday, April 18, 2011


We decided to make it "official" tonight. We claimed tonight "PITY PARTY NIGHT".....

For the past few weeks Keller and Saylor (my older 2 children) have had moments of self loathing, pity parties for themselves regarding their dad's decision to leave. Don't get me wrong, I DO HAVE compassion for them, BUT there comes a time when you need to push them past the negativity and protect them from THEMSELVES. If I let them continue down this path they will claim the "victim" mentality and thus begins their journey of destruction. So instead of telling them to "stop having pity parties for themselves" we agreed to actually have ONE BIG PARTY and get it ALL out and put it in the hands of the one who controls ALL things, our heavenly father!

We had so much fun with a balloon fight, GRAFFITI, dancing, singing, cake, ice cream and a MOVIE!

And if you are confused by my "I love my Hubby shirt"... just read my 2 posts below... it'll explain it:)

Before we sat down to watch a movie, we were able to talk and express our feelings and emotions. They were so honest and open. They don't feel their father loves them or cares for them.... what an AMAZING witnessing opportunity this turned into. THANK YOU JESUS! I was able to present God, His Son and his plan for redemption and salvation. We touched on Christ during His crucifixion crying out "My God, My God why have you forsaken me".... he had EMOTIONS and FEELINGS... he walked this earth in a FLESHLY BODY that FELT PAIN and SUFFERING. My kids, who are usually silly and giddy, were all ears. It was truly a sweet moment.

Anyway... here are a few pics of our PITY PARTY!!!

3 comments: said...

i love this.. you are amazing! x-

Emily said...

you rock my socks! And I second the you are amazing comment!

Christie said...

If there was a bigger word than amazing I would use it to describe you!! Your children are so blessed to have you as their mother. I am truly at a loss for words to tell you how much I admire you as a woman, a wife, a mother and a sister in Christ. Praying for you ...God has such BIG plans for you and your babies...can't wait to see what they are!!