Wednesday, April 1, 2009

5 weeks old!

Hard to believe they are over a month now... and you can see it too. They are slowly losing the "newborn" look. I may be ready for another (just kidding... kind of). I do love newborns... and toddlers... and kids! Anyway, they are doing well. They aren't sleeping any better, but I'm getting to know their personalities which is helping to know what they need/want when they cry.

Slade is doing this thing where he grabs a handful of hair, then screams for his life because he can't figure out how to let go. It's so funny and sad at the same time. I never had this problem with the others because they were all born bald! Ramsey just sits and stares at him as he screams. It's so entertaining for her. She is so good and content. She only cries when she is hungry. She just sit and watches everything. Slade is completely the opposite. When he's awake, my heart races because I KNOW FULL WELL he's not going to sit and be content. They are just amazing and fun. I have to pinch myself at times (partly because I'm afraid I'm sleep walking) but because I feel so blessed!

Anyway, here they are at 5 weeks.

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