Friday, April 10, 2009

"until she dies"....

So I had just gotten Ramsey to settle down and fall asleep on the couch (don't worry... they don't roll... yet) and Keller comes running up and ROARS in her face. She of coarse throws her hands back in fear and screams for her life. Needless to say after going on 2 hours of sleep I was anything BUT happy with Keller. The rule is for the older two kids is this: If you purposefully wake one of the twins up, it's your job to sit and hold a binky or bottle with them until they are back asleep again. So I tell Keller, "you know the rule, go find a binky and help calm her down". I go into the kitchen and he mumbles, "Oh man, OK mommy, I will sit with her until she dies". It took a minute or two before I made sense of what he said and I asked "what did you say"? He said, "sure, I can sit with her until she is dead". A little shocked I asked "Why in the world would you say that? Why do you think she is going to die"? He said "because you told me that... " he then proceeds to remind me of a conversation 2 weeks ago we had. I had told them that sometimes babies can cry SO HARD that they could stop breathing (it happened to Slade that day)... I told them we need to breathe to live, so it's important to make sure we don't cover their heads with blankets or do anything to make them stop breathing. In his mind... he scared her so much to the point that her screaming was going to cause her to stop breathing. He so willingly (and with SUCH a good attitude) was just going to "sit with her until she dies"... LOL!!!!

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