Sunday, March 20, 2011

I'm back....

So much to catch up on. The twins have just turned 2! It was fun having 2 babies turning 2 on the 22nd of the 2nd month!!! We didn't do too much, we had a friend in town along with Mimi and Diddy so we did cake and ice cream! Mimi got the twins their own travel suitcase which will come in QUITE handy in the weeks/months to come. THANK YOU MIMI!

Both Slade and Ramsey are repeating EVERYTHING we say. They love learning new words and Keller and Saylor love teaching them! I love watching all 4 sit down and play together, amazing to watch and observe these 4 little people that God has entrusted me with. I'm realizing what a HUGE call it is to be a "mother". Our lives have truly taken a path we never expected, but gladly welcome because we know God is in control and is allowing it.

2 days before Christmas Kingsley left us. The week prior he wanted to separate, then he decided it was final and wanted to move forward towards divorce. He has since moved to New Jersey to start a new life. The details of all that has happened are irrelevant at this point, but I say this because much of what I'm learning and growing through are a result of his choices. God has graciously allowed me to have a love in my heart for him that surpasses that of a husband/wife relationship. I continuously thank God for that blessing, for if my heart has only love in regards to him, there is no room for anger or bitterness, which would indeed be the temptation of my flesh.

January 14th the divorce proceedings began. Please pray for us as we venture into the unknowns of our future. We give ourselves over to the ONE who does know our future though and we thank God everyday for the sufferings that will grow us and mold us into who HE wants us to be. We give all praise and glory to God for the many blessings HE continues to give us. As I blog more I will share what some of those things have been.

For now, here are some new pictures......


Sunshine barlowe lewis said...

I love you Andrea!! You continue to amaze me. Praying for you guys as you start a new chapter. xo- Sun

Andrea said...

I love you too Sunny!!! Thank you! I think of you ALL the time. We sure had some good times back in the day!!! You are indeed a blessing in my life... from the first day we bonded over the frog:)

Emily said...

Love you, andrea! slade and Ramsey are getting so dang big and beautiful. I wish I could give them a big hug!!! Little A will be 2 next week too, I'm not so thrilled about it. :(. You are an inspiration, Andrea, and you remain in my prayers. Xoxoxo.

Andrea said...

Mrs. E!!!! Oh how I miss you, your tea, your laugh, your smile. I think of you all the time! I'm hoping to move soon as well.... Happy Birthday to that sweet boy of yours! Love you all!

Emily said...

Oh, my dear, I think about you SO OFFTEN! I feel so awful that I did not keep better tabs on you the last few months I was there... I was stupid to think that it was MY world falling apart with my sudden move and saying goodbye to friends and family. I crawled into a hole, as you know I do, and I regret it greatly. I have cried many tears for you, your kids, and the strength and courage I pray God will bless you with. From your facebook I know that your friends have rallied and I pray for their hands and arms as they are there to help, and I am not. I will now pray for your move and all the transitions that accompany it with the kids, and I look forward to hearing where you will settle, and I look forward to reading about your journey on this here blog. ;) You can bet that I am going to bug you more via phone when life has settled down for you, but for now I will pray and cheer you on from a distance. xoxoo, Em'