Monday, April 20, 2009

The bad guys...

As Keller and Saylor understand it... "the bad guys have taken over our house and our bodies" this week. Sickness is merely the bad guys beating up the good guys, and our goal is to get those good guys strong enough to fight back and WIN!! Needless to say the bad guys are winning. Today is day 7 of fevers, some vomitting, coughing and runny noses. Keller got it last sunday and every night spikes a fever of 104. Saylor got it the next day, then I got it, now Slade... last night it hit Ramsey and Kingsley. It has been such a challenging week to say the least. I know only God has gotten us through as there were many times I was so feverish and "delerious" on the couch that I had NO idea where the kids were and what they were doing. Most of the time they were next to me on the couch as no one had energy to do anything. On the positive side, the kids have felt so miserable they have agreed to taking shots of apple cidar vinegar to break up the cough, drink vegtable juice, soak in COLD baths, and do all kinds of other "weird" things. I'm so proud of them. The one day I had to do the ice cold bath was excrutiating... I now have so much compassion for what they go through. They have been on a orange/pinapple/grapefruit juice fast since last monday.. and have done so well with it. I know it takes longer for them to get better w/o the medicine, but they have been so wonderful through the aches and pains. I'm a little worried about the little ones.. they seem to be getting it now... and they are so little. I pray they can fight it off and it doesn't attack their little bodies as bad as it has the rest of us.

Anyway, we are getting ready for the arrival of one of the MOST special people in my life, my KIWI! We've been best friends for as long as i can remember! She has literally kept me sane and grounded through the trials of life. She is willing to leave her family to come out and visit with me and the kids. Words can't express how excited I am to see her. She can make me laugh like no one else can and is just so grounded. I guess I always thought that by hanging around her I'd become more grounded as well:) I'll be sure to post pics of our weekend together.

Anyway, I've lacked in pictures b/c my soul purpose has been SURVIVAL! I took this pic today as the twins were having "play time together" Ramsey just loves to touch and poke at her big brother. He tolerates it for the most part... but isn't happy when she goes in for the hair (never mess with a man's hair). When I see them together I'm still shocked they came out of me... it's just so odd to have two, but wonderful as well.

I'm off to find some clean sheets... not an easy find these days...

1 comment: said...

Aweee.. Tell Kiwi hello :) for me.
I hope you guys have a great visit..and I hope the pukes are gone for good SOON!

Miss ya!