Thursday, April 16, 2009

down but not out...

Well the day has finally come... a day I dreaded... a day most mother's dread... the day when ALL your kids (and you) are infected with sickness! On Sunday Keller picked up something.. it starts with a fever, vomitting, coughing, runny nose (whining and crying seem to be a big part of it too). I got it Monday, Saylor Tuesday and the twins are coming down with it as well. Some minutes I don't know how we'll get through the day between everyone throwing up or screaming or having a coughing spell (wetting beds and just screaming for no reason)... but the sun still rises the next day and we are all here ... Thankfully Kingsley has avoided it so far. The one thing I need to get better (sleep) just doesn't seem to be in the near future. On a positive note everyone has been on a juice fast so I haven't had to cook all week.

Please pray for us as we learn how to be more patient, more tolerant, more loving and thoughtful of one another. I'm just hoping we can shake this thing soon.... everyone is irritable and feeling horrible. I try to remember each one of them feels just as awful as I do...... so I need to have compassion on them. Amidst the craziness, Ramsey (the least affected) has kept us smiling with her smiles and "coo's". It's funny how one little grin from a baby can melt away all the worries of the world. Here she is ... our strong one at this point!

1 comment: said...

precious :)

hope you guys feel better..quick.