Monday, September 15, 2008

POSITIVE update....

OK for those of you who don't know, our little Keller was born with coloboma's in his eyes. It is visual in his left eye (his pupil is not circular, but bleeds down into his iris, giving it the appearance of a "keyhole"). Basically his eyes started forming, stopped for a short period, then continued forming, leaving a "gap". We noticed it when he was about 4 weeks old and were told that when the eye forms, the heart and brain do as well. We really wouldn't know if the missing tissues and nerves from his eye to his brain would impact him developmentally. After he made all his milestones, we weren't worried about his brain being affected. We were blessed to find out at a young age that the "gap" missed his optic nerve by a hair and he has sight in both eyes!! All this to say, it's been an interesting journey into something we never thought we'd encounter. A few months ago our pediatric opthamologist mentioned his left eye and amblyopia (lazy eye). She noticed his sight weakened in that eye from 20/40 to 20/60 in a matter of months!! It doesn't seem major, but if the brain feels it's too hard to use that eye and just completely shuts off, the eye will basically be "dead". He won't use it, and you can't go back and "re-trigger" the brain. If the brain was just getting lazy, then there was a chance we could strengthen it to use that eye. So we began patching his good eye to force that brain to stop being so lazy with his left eye! He also wears glasses to improve the vision. We went back today and realized that he has 20/20 in his right eye and WITH glasses he has 20/25 in his left eye!!!!! Without glasses it's 20/50, still a blessing! The Dr. was so happy with his progress and said we don't have to patch for the next few months... we'll see how he does. I know this may seem minor to a lot of people who are facing more difficult trials, but when it's your own child who is struggling it seems huge. Keller is such a trooper. He once in awhile will say "I wish I had 2 black circles in my eyes"... or "so and so asked me what is wrong with my eye, mommy, is there something wrong with my eye"? We don't hide the truth from him and I explain how God made him so amazingly unique. I always tell him that his sight is a blessing, and to NOT wish for ANYTHING other than what God gave him. What an encouraging truth I need to preach to myself at times. I honestly can't imagine my life without his precious soul! He is truly a son that would make any mother proud. Anyway, to those who have been praying and asking ... thank you so much. He's doing great and we have so much to be thankful for! Tomorrow I go into see my twins again... always such an exciting moment.

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