Friday, October 31, 2008

21 week belly bump

OK so here I am at 21 weeks..... looking rough because I had watched 5 kids night before and was exhausted (or am I just looking for an excuse???) Anyway, my Dr. appt went well. I found out that c-section or not, he'd let my mother sit in with us... YEAH!!!! But even better news was that if Twin A (boy) stays head down he will let me birth naturally (still with epidural, so not "natural"), then he will try and turn Twin B (girl) to get her head down, that is assuming he stays head down and she is breeched. He originally told me both had to be head down... so the news was UNEXPECTED and WONDERFUL to say the least!!!

My baby...

My baby is 5 (I know he turned five last month... but it just hit me). We went to get his 5 yr. old picture and I just can't believe how big he has gotten. What a blessing it is to know him, mother him, love him, grow him, be challenged by him and learn from him. I'm so proud of him and can't wait to see what the next year holds for him.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

21 weeks

It's Thursday, so I do turn another week, "21". but I don't really feel like posting or talking about my appointment when someone I hold so dearly is grieving today. For those of you who don't know, my baby sister, miscarried. She went in for her 11 week appointment and was surprised with exciting news, she TOO was carrying twins. Then the devastating news hit that they couldn't find either heartbeat. I can barely write this without tears in my eyes. Maybe it's hormones, but more likely it's watching someone you love hurt. Everyone handles trials in different ways, and I thank the Lord that my sister trusts in God's will and His sovereignty. She has gone through such a tough time but has come through the fire refined like gold. This is not to say it's still tough, but her thinking is biblical, and she has such a godly response to the situation. It's hard for me to be excited for my own situation knowing that I will be a constant reminder of her 2 babies that are now under God's perfect care in heaven. I count it a blessing and a privilege to have been pregnant with her and BOTH CARRYING TWINS! What an amazing bond I feel to her because of the odd chances that sisters would be pregnant, at the the same time with twins! I pray God gives me grace in how I speak and write during such a sensitive time. I admire her in so many ways and am blessed to be called her sister! Please keep her and her husband in your prayers. B... if you are reading this, I love you with all my heart!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The line

So my "linea nigra" (dark line) on my belly showed up this morning!!! It usually shows up once your abdomen is distended... so I guess mine is distended! LOL.

Nothing new to report.... I go to my regular OB tomorrow. It's probably a weight/blood pressure/ measure uterus and find heartbeat appointment. I am meeting one of my best friends again (we go to same OB). We'll meet up and let the kids play a bit before we both check in... I'm quite excited to see her!!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Interesting facts...

1. Fraternal twins make up 75% of the twinning population (with boy/girl twins being the highest percentage) Partly b/c fertility drugs (and increasing usage) stimulates ovulation of more than one egg.

2. Fraternal twins most of the time look just like any other 2 siblings in the same family (in odd cases can look more identical than IDENTICAL twins... example: Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are fraternal twins)

3. The youngest reported twins to survive outside the womb were 21 weeks and 6 days! (9 days from now for me)

4. Twins now occur 1 out of 90 births.

5. A mother of fraternal twins has a 50% increased chance of having twins again in next pregnancy. (yikes)

6. African Americans have the highest percentage of fraternal twins, while asians have the lowest percentage.

7. Most women conceive fraternal twins after the age of 35!

8. Daughters of a mother who had franternal twins have 3-4 times more chance of conceiving twins (due to the hyperovulation gene).

9. If a husband is a twin or has twins on his side of the family, it has NO effect on a woman conceiving twins.

10. The average week most women deliver is 35 weeks, while full term for twins is 37 weeks.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Getting ready

Well with a little over 3 months (hopefully) left, I decided to get out all Saylor's old clothes and start organizing them for her little sister. I am having so much fun going through the bins and remembering every little outfit! I also picked out the outfits to bring the twins home in. I believe one was what Keller wore on his way home and one was the one Saylor wore home. I know they'll be here before I know it.

As I was going through my 5th bin (she has way TOO MANY clothes) I got a call from Old Navy. Apparently Keller won a coloring contest drawing and is receiving a $50 gift certificate to Old Navy. We are off to redeem and shop! I think he was bummed when he realized they didn't have "toys"... but I promised him a quarter for their machines up front! Not bad.... a quarter for him and $50 for me:)

Friday, October 24, 2008

Making Cupcakes....

Yesterday I realized how fast time goes by and what "little" time I have with my kids while they are young. I spend so much time cleaning, organizing, doing laundry, dishes, cooking etc... (which all need to get done:) but I forget how much they need my time and attention. So yesterday Saylor and I got out the aprons that I used to wear with my mom growing up (thanks for saving them mom!!!) and we baked cupcakes!!! No occasion, just celebrating how much I love them! Saylor did everything but crack the eggs! She was so proud that SHE DID MOST THE WORK (while mommy did ALL the clean up!!!) Keller was mostly interested in the END RESULT! He'd pop into the kitchen and Saylor would yell "NO BOYS ALLOWED IN MY KITCHEN" and we'd chase him out... just to have him reappear within minutes.... they loved playing that game, and I loved watching them enjoy a moment of no responsibility, no stress, no worry, no cares in the world! I know from experience (again THANKS MOM) that it's those defining moments that make childhood so memorable and wonderful! I was blessed beyond what words can express with an incredible childhood filled with so many memories and experiences, not to mention the unconditional love! I pray I can give a sample of what I had to my children. I have been convicted (thanks to a friend's blog) on how selfish I am with my time and really aim to change my focus back on to my kids.... they only have one childhood, and I only have this one chance to raise them. What an amazing opportunity we have as mothers.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Pictures from last weekend

Here are a few pictures from our local store trick or treat and kid expo! We had such a wonderful weekend! Saylor absolutely LOVED the snake (a girl after my own heart)! I believe we were able to get Keller into a charter school (an answered prayer!!!) There has been a waiting list for our local charter school and they choose kids based on a lottery. We originally wanted to wait until next fall to put Keller in kindergarten, but we won't be guaranteed a spot, whereas we can get him enrolled NOW.... so he may be off to kindergarten soon! The philosophy of a charter school is a PERFECT fit for both Kingsley and I. We are so very excited!!!

19.5 weeks.

Here's a picture at 19.5 weeks and sweet Saylor putting on heels in the background. The other picture is of our little son. He is smashed in between the placenta and cervix.... and has his little hand by his face.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been a few days....

It's OFFICIAL... I am NOW feeling movement!!! I started feeling our little boy (I love that I KNOW who is kicking me and with what body part) a few days ago. They are just little kicks/punches, for now. He seems to be much more active than his sister. She doesn't necessarily kick as much as head butt me. I don't think she likes me using my stomach as a ledge to take laundry upstairs or hold heavy objects, because almost every time I feel her head ram my insides!! It's always exciting feeling them move and kick... I love that part of pregnancy... most everything else I can do without!

My stomach is starting to reach that really uncomfortable stage... I need to stuff a pillow under it at night or else it's too heavy and hurts when I sleep. If I eat too much at night I have trouble breathing because everything is now pushing up on my diaphragm. Bending over is a HUGE task, as is shaving BOTH legs! I forget how little you can do with a stomach in your way. Things seem to take me a little longer.... and I'm moving a little slower. Keller often compares me to a snail! I don't remember feeling this way until the last few weeks with the other 2. Overall we are doing well though. I wake up almost every morning with butterflies in my stomach and feeling like it's Christmas! I still can't believe we are having a boy and a girl! We are blessed beyond what we even know. I'm so thankful God's given me yet another opportunity to mother and raise 2 more children. I pray that we honor and glorify Him in the process.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Well we actually made it to the appointment on time today!!! I had NO idea what news awaited us and am STILL in shock. Within the 1st 5 minutes of the ultrasound we came to realize that we are NO LONGER (or never really were) having 2 boys!!!!!! We are INDEED having ONE BOY (twin A) and twin B has suddenly transformed into our little girl (or our OB guessed wrong). Words can't express how truly excited I am! I was of course excited for 2 boys, but the thought of not having another daughter was a little sad....Saylor came with us to the appointment and the look on her face was priceless. She is so excited! I must have asked 100 times "are you sure?" and without any doubt from the Dr. (or many nurses) she is a GIRL! So ..... this means they are confirmed as fraternal twins.... 2 eggs were fertilized, they have separate amniotic sacs and separate placenta's!!! This evens the score out 3 to 3!!!

Aside from the gender change, everything else genetically checked out perfectly! Both babies are measuring exactly the same size down to the day! They are 19 weeks and 1 day. They both are 1/2 pound and about 7 inches long (head to rump). Our little boy is head down with his feet wrapped up 3 inches above my belly button, while his sister is breech and her head is within perfect kicking range for him. He was kicking her in the head during the whole ultrasound which was rather amusing! Our boy is on my left side of the belly while our girl is on the right side. All their bones measured correctly for their gestation, their hearts were free from genetic or chromosome markers. Their spines were perfectly formed, no cleft palates, club foot, etc.... The umbilical cords were pumping blood sufficiently both directions and they were both surrounded by PLENTY of amniotic fluid! Dr. Mullen (our perintologist) checked my cervix and was hoping it was atleast 2.5 but was aiming for 3.0 and it measured 4.5!!!! What does this mean? I guess it means they aren't going to "fall" out anytime soon! If my cervix was 2.5 I'd be looking at some bed rest already! So I guess you could say this was a good, great, PERFECT appointment!!! One of the most exciting things was just having Kingsley there with me. Due to his schedule, he isn't always free to make certain appointments, but he moved things around (I think he knew how much I wanted him there) and it meant alot to have him there with me!! I will go back to the Peri every 5 weeks (so 2, possibly 3 more times).

On a side note.... since they are fraternal twins and I hyper-ovulated, the chances are high that I pass that on to Saylor and her sister and we could have some twins grandchildren in the future.... Lord Willing, of course.

The picture above is classic..... what we thought was our 2nd boy is our little girl laughing at us....

Thursday, October 16, 2008

19 WEEKS!!!

I came across this old picture of me pregnant with Keller at 18 weeks! The other picture is of me at 19 weeks..... what a difference!

I had a regular OB appt yesterday and everything seems fine. All he did was measure my uterus (which seems LARGE... everything is pushed up towards my lungs making hard to breathe at night) but he said it's right where it should be. Then he picked up Twin B's heartbeat with the doppler and had to "chase" Twin A down since he was moving so much. Both sounded great. He also explained the strange sensation I've had (skin crawling/pain on one side) are the nerves under my skin from skin stretching. It's such an odd feeling and almost brings me to my knees everytime!!!

I'll know MUCH MUCH more on the boys' health tomorrow..... keep me in your prayers... thanks.


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Missed Peri appt.

Well I had to reschedule the peri appt for Friday! I was pretty bummed. The Dr. had to leave early (plus we were a "tad" late), so we missed the appt. I go in Friday at 10. I did get a yummy outback steak for dinner though.

Anyway, I actually jumped on this wheelchair as a joke, but quickly realized how HELPFUL it was.... I think Costco is the only store I will shop at from now on.....

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Today is the half way mark to 37 weeks.... and since I won't be going past 37 weeks, I am OFFICIALLY HALF WAY THERE!!! Yeah!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

OK and I'm not sure why I look "less" pregnant this week... it's been odd.... I'm sure tomorrow I'll wake up and be twice the size as before.... I didn't get my pictures confused, the pic was taken this morning....

18 Week Belly Bump

Our wireless network has been "under construction" for a few days, so I haven't been posting much, but I'm hoping the problem is solved and we are back into the internet world! Today ends the 18th week and begins the 19th week! Everything seems to be progressing well.... My migraines are gone, but now the congestion and nose bleeds have started... seems there is always something EXCITING to experience! Overall this is considered the "honeymoon" stage of pregnancy and I'd have to say these last few weeks have been the best physically since I got pregnant. I'm getting alot accomplished with the thought of a near bed rest (though I don't feel I need it:) One of the odd things I experience now is the amount of blood flow going through my heart... apparently it's tripled .... and I can literally hear and feel almost every pulse! It's a very odd feeling, but I guess good in the sense of knowing the boys are getting the blood flow they need.

Like I posted earlier, Tues is my first Peri appt and I'm both excited and nervous. I don't recall ever having a level 2 ultrasound with Keller or Saylor.... they did a more indepth u/s, but not a true Level 2. I'm assuming it could last over 2 hours. I'm praying for a good "healthy" outcome, but regardless of the outcome, we accept whatever God has in store for our family, knowing He knows what is best for us, and our boys.

The kids are excited for a kid expo craft day .. they will be making pumpkins and going trick or treating at the local stores on Saturday afternoon! I just hope it cools down long enough to feel like "fall" here! Sometimes (once in a while, not often) I miss OHIO and the seasons I experienced growing up!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

17 Week belly bump

A few days behind, but here are a few pictures I took Thur/Fri as I turned 17 weeks!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Appointment update

Well all is well inside the uterus. This was the first appointment that I did not get an ultrasound... I actually felt like a "normal" pregnant person. My uterus is measuring about 6 weeks ahead of time (which my OB informed me is GREAT for twins). He picked up both their heartbeats rather quickly using the doppler. I've been having really bad migraines for about 4 weeks, but thankfully it's not linked to hypertension since my blood pressure was good, so he said it's the extra hormones causing hormonal headaches! I also found out that with twins a FULL term pregnancy is around 37 weeks (I had thought 38). SO... if I have not gone into labor by 37 weeks, I'll be induced (assuming they are both head down). So I will for sure be delivering In February, not March. Right now the 37 weeks puts me delivering on Mimi's (my mom's) birthday!

Today is the day I've basically restructured (or just STRUCTURED) the kids' day. I've put off putting them on strict schedules because of the "tantrums" I'd face... but if I don't get them structured better, I will go crazy when the twins come. Keller is so much like me in that he likes his "freedom", his independence to do his own thing without being TOLD what to do. Saylor is much more like Kingsley where she adapts and actually prefers the structure of the day. It's been a hard morning since I cut out computer and TV until after some devotions, homeschool work, chores, outside play etc.... It really has been rewarding for me and for them (Saylor especially) to spend more one on one time with them. I think they will both adapt well and know what to expect each hour of the day. After spending a month at Mimi's, my mom really encouraged me to get them in a better bedtime routine. I'm so glad she placed the importance of that because now I see the benefit for them (and for me) to have them in bed before 8:00!

Well free time is about up... so I'm going to lead by example and do my chores:) Hope all is who is reading this is doing well and enjoying your day to the fullest as well. God Bless.