Friday, October 24, 2008

Making Cupcakes....

Yesterday I realized how fast time goes by and what "little" time I have with my kids while they are young. I spend so much time cleaning, organizing, doing laundry, dishes, cooking etc... (which all need to get done:) but I forget how much they need my time and attention. So yesterday Saylor and I got out the aprons that I used to wear with my mom growing up (thanks for saving them mom!!!) and we baked cupcakes!!! No occasion, just celebrating how much I love them! Saylor did everything but crack the eggs! She was so proud that SHE DID MOST THE WORK (while mommy did ALL the clean up!!!) Keller was mostly interested in the END RESULT! He'd pop into the kitchen and Saylor would yell "NO BOYS ALLOWED IN MY KITCHEN" and we'd chase him out... just to have him reappear within minutes.... they loved playing that game, and I loved watching them enjoy a moment of no responsibility, no stress, no worry, no cares in the world! I know from experience (again THANKS MOM) that it's those defining moments that make childhood so memorable and wonderful! I was blessed beyond what words can express with an incredible childhood filled with so many memories and experiences, not to mention the unconditional love! I pray I can give a sample of what I had to my children. I have been convicted (thanks to a friend's blog) on how selfish I am with my time and really aim to change my focus back on to my kids.... they only have one childhood, and I only have this one chance to raise them. What an amazing opportunity we have as mothers.

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