Tuesday, October 21, 2008

It's been a few days....

It's OFFICIAL... I am NOW feeling movement!!! I started feeling our little boy (I love that I KNOW who is kicking me and with what body part) a few days ago. They are just little kicks/punches, for now. He seems to be much more active than his sister. She doesn't necessarily kick as much as head butt me. I don't think she likes me using my stomach as a ledge to take laundry upstairs or hold heavy objects, because almost every time I feel her head ram my insides!! It's always exciting feeling them move and kick... I love that part of pregnancy... most everything else I can do without!

My stomach is starting to reach that really uncomfortable stage... I need to stuff a pillow under it at night or else it's too heavy and hurts when I sleep. If I eat too much at night I have trouble breathing because everything is now pushing up on my diaphragm. Bending over is a HUGE task, as is shaving BOTH legs! I forget how little you can do with a stomach in your way. Things seem to take me a little longer.... and I'm moving a little slower. Keller often compares me to a snail! I don't remember feeling this way until the last few weeks with the other 2. Overall we are doing well though. I wake up almost every morning with butterflies in my stomach and feeling like it's Christmas! I still can't believe we are having a boy and a girl! We are blessed beyond what we even know. I'm so thankful God's given me yet another opportunity to mother and raise 2 more children. I pray that we honor and glorify Him in the process.

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