Thursday, October 16, 2008

19 WEEKS!!!

I came across this old picture of me pregnant with Keller at 18 weeks! The other picture is of me at 19 weeks..... what a difference!

I had a regular OB appt yesterday and everything seems fine. All he did was measure my uterus (which seems LARGE... everything is pushed up towards my lungs making hard to breathe at night) but he said it's right where it should be. Then he picked up Twin B's heartbeat with the doppler and had to "chase" Twin A down since he was moving so much. Both sounded great. He also explained the strange sensation I've had (skin crawling/pain on one side) are the nerves under my skin from skin stretching. It's such an odd feeling and almost brings me to my knees everytime!!!

I'll know MUCH MUCH more on the boys' health tomorrow..... keep me in your prayers... thanks.


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