Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Appointment update

Well all is well inside the uterus. This was the first appointment that I did not get an ultrasound... I actually felt like a "normal" pregnant person. My uterus is measuring about 6 weeks ahead of time (which my OB informed me is GREAT for twins). He picked up both their heartbeats rather quickly using the doppler. I've been having really bad migraines for about 4 weeks, but thankfully it's not linked to hypertension since my blood pressure was good, so he said it's the extra hormones causing hormonal headaches! I also found out that with twins a FULL term pregnancy is around 37 weeks (I had thought 38). SO... if I have not gone into labor by 37 weeks, I'll be induced (assuming they are both head down). So I will for sure be delivering In February, not March. Right now the 37 weeks puts me delivering on Mimi's (my mom's) birthday!

Today is the day I've basically restructured (or just STRUCTURED) the kids' day. I've put off putting them on strict schedules because of the "tantrums" I'd face... but if I don't get them structured better, I will go crazy when the twins come. Keller is so much like me in that he likes his "freedom", his independence to do his own thing without being TOLD what to do. Saylor is much more like Kingsley where she adapts and actually prefers the structure of the day. It's been a hard morning since I cut out computer and TV until after some devotions, homeschool work, chores, outside play etc.... It really has been rewarding for me and for them (Saylor especially) to spend more one on one time with them. I think they will both adapt well and know what to expect each hour of the day. After spending a month at Mimi's, my mom really encouraged me to get them in a better bedtime routine. I'm so glad she placed the importance of that because now I see the benefit for them (and for me) to have them in bed before 8:00!

Well free time is about up... so I'm going to lead by example and do my chores:) Hope all is who is reading this is doing well and enjoying your day to the fullest as well. God Bless.

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