Friday, November 7, 2008

22 weeks

22 weeks down and 15 to go (hopefully)! Kingsley and I are up in Pismo beach at a marriage retreat so I don't have a picture to upload... But thanks to the iPhone I can atleast post!
The twins are doing well... Or atleast I think they are! I actually spend WAY too much time laying on my back and watching them go crazy! Other than my uterus hitting my diaphragm and making breathing almost impossible (and making digestion difficult)... I am doing well!
I met a woman at the retreat with boy/girl twins (now 21) and it's been fun picking her brain and hearing stories!!! It got me even more excited for the opportunity ahead... But also nervous for some of the "things to come"!! She was explaining that towards the end, her belly got so big and heavy that she would black out if she laid on her back! I've read about that but never met anyone who had the joy of experiencing it. She said it made ultrasounds very difficult. They could only do a few minutes at a time before she started blacking out. I'm sure she'll share more stories as the weekend continues, and I can't wait to hear ALL of them!

The kids are staying with friends and I miss them so much already. I can't wait to see their little faces when we return. B... if you are reading this, words can't express my gratitude for your willingness to help.... especially with your "plate" full right now. What a blessing you are to me! I love you.

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