Monday, November 3, 2008

My first try at bed rest....

Well I failed my first try at bed rest! As of Friday I was put on full bed rest due to some MINOR spotting. (just until Monday, today) I wasn't even going to call the Dr., but figured with the weekend approaching and if it got worse, I wanted to know my options. SO...... since I down played it they said I could stay home, but had to be on full bed rest. If anything changed I would have to go into labor and delivery to have my cervix checked to make sure I'm not going into early labor!!! It could just be a capillary. Needless to say, the first 2 hours were great, but then it quickly got old. Just 2 days (ok, 1 day... went to church on sunday and ran errands) was horrible. I have so much to get done (and am moving slower by the day). I am really going to try to slow down and rest more so that I can avoid ANY bed rest in the future.

The GOOD part about the weekend, was that we got a HUGE storm (storms just don't happen here in CA... EVER!). I woke up 3am on friday morning thinking I was back in OHIO! In the 10 years of living here, I've never heard thunder or seen lightning and rain is a 5 min deal in the afternoon. SO.... to wake up to such a rare event was GREAT! I was so excited I couldn't sleep. I know you Ohioians think I'm crazy, but it was such an fun thing to experience (and have kids experience). It rained and stormed most of friday as well.

I'm off to get a few things done while I'm feeling "energized". Hope you all enjoyed your weekend.

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