Friday, November 14, 2008

23 Weeks

Always a new and FUN symptom to experience and this week it's the HEARTBURN!!! The myth is that it means the baby has a lot of hair... not sure how true that is, but if it is, with doubling the amount of hair, I have double the heartburn!!! I seriously feel like I'm breathing fire most the time. It's an awful feeling, but I try to remember what the end result of all this is!

A new difficulty, or something that is close to impossible is shaving!!! I just can't bend or flex in too many positions.... nor can I see past my belly, so having 2 smooth legs won't happen anytime soon. Apparently I had a few rough patches, and Saylor was QUICK to point them out to me... (yes, we are still wearing shorts here in CA)

I should be experiencing a big growth spurt in the next 4 weeks. The babies are supposed to double in size by week 27-28! I can't imagine getting twice the size I am, but we'll wait and see I guess. Today was quite interesting. Our little girl decided to go transverse (sideways) for about 20 min or so. I could feel her moving and I looked down to see a giant growth like thing (her head) protruding out from the right side of my belly! I know not to touch or poke at her as she kicks or head butts quite hard... so I just sat and watched. I had this big round pregnant belly with a HUGE growth on the side... it looked really funny! After awhile she adjusted and found a more comfortable position. For a few minutes I just sat and imagined the day I'd be kissing her sweet head. It's amazing to realize just a little skin, some fat, muscle and tissue separate her head from my hand.

I will have to upload the belly shot later.... I have a hot date tonight and need to get ready (add about 2-3 hours of cleaning!)

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