Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Well yesterday's opthomologist appointment did not go as well as our previous appointment. Keller's vision in his left eye is starting to deteriorate again. It's back to 20/50 with glasses!! It seems the amblyopia (or lazy eye) is starting to return. Once the brain stops using the eye, there is nothing they can do to "fix it", so our attempts are to help the brain use the eye before it completely gives up. This has been an on going struggle. These last few months Keller had the option of wearing his glasses all day or patching for 2-3 hours. Since we "lost" (or Keller hid) his glasses we ended up patching, but not consistently. Now he MUST wear his glasses everyday, there is no option. I will also patch each day in addition. Once he reaches 7-8 years old his vision issues will be permanent, so our goal is to improve it as much as possible. It breaks my heart to see him realize more and more of the severity of his eye mutation. He saw a cross disection of an eye at the Dr. office and asked if his looked like that. We explained he was missing the "strings" that connect the eye to the brain. In his sweet innocent voice he says "Mommy, I'm all done having a hurt eye, will God give me a new healthy one soon?".... The Dr. we go to is a believer and she grabbed his leg and said "Keller God does NOT make mistakes, even if we think they are mistakes, God knows better than we do and we need to trust Him"! She encouraged him through a few stories as well. She has been a HUGE blessing in our lives. I didn't realize how little he can see with his left eye. When she patched his right eye he said "where did mommy go?" I had been sitting a few feet away from him! He's been so dependent on one eye, and we had little idea how he was shutting off from using the left eye! All that to say, if you think about it, please pray for him and for his vision to improve!!!

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