Saturday, November 22, 2008

24 Week Peri appointment

My suspicions were confirmed at this weeks Dr. appt. Our little girl did indeed go transverse (sideways) and is still in that position! Our little guy however decided to go into a breach position! His position is the only one I'm concerned with as we get closer to delivery, because he is considered "twin A", the closest to the cervix. He is the one who will be delivered first, so his position determines whether we attempt a natural delivery or a c-section. They can of course still flip and change positions multiple times in the weeks to come, so we still have time to manipulate him to get into the right position!
Both babies weighed in at a whopping 1.5 lbs! They are expected to be 3 lbs. by Christmas! They are right on track in the growth department. Not too big or too small. Our little guy got bored of taking pictures and turned his back to us before the 3D machine was turned on, but our little girl was quite the little model! She was opening and shutting her eyes, opening and shutting her mouth, sucking on fingers, scratching ear, etc. She reminded me so much of Saylor when I saw her at my 38 week ultrasound. They have the same little nose and mouth! From what I could tell from the 2D ultrasound, our little guys seems to have Kingsley's nose. Because she is transverse and he is breach, her feet are right on top of his head and he is getting a facial beating from her constantly!!! I guess it's payback for him kicking her a few weeks ago! I can't wait to hold them both and kiss them to no end.
The only other thing they checked was that there was equal amounts of amniotic fluid in both placenta's, and there was. Their cords were not wrapped around their neck nor did they have any obvious knots in either one of them. The Dr. measured organs (heart, kidney's, bladder, etc) and everything is growing right where it should be.
My cervix is still 4-4.5 in length which was the BEST news, because now we can travel to Mimi's and Diddy's for thanksgiving. We weren't planning on going since my OB didn't want me traveling after my 24th week, but since the appt. went so well I believe we can take a little car ride over to Arizona for a few days! Get that broccoli casserole ready mom.... I'm coming for it!!!

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