Monday, March 30, 2009

To my WONDERFUL mom... THANK YOU!!!!

Thank you for my new fleurville... can't wait! thanks so much mom!!!!

Eskimo kisses

Keller said this is the LAST time he is going to kiss saylor like this... good thing we got a picture of it!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

4 weeks old....

WOW.... seems like yesterday that I was blogging "I hope to make it another 4 weeks"... and now here I am 4 weeks past labor. We've had such an incredible month! We've been SO blessed with meals (from people in our church) for over 2 weeks! I really have enjoyed meeting and getting to know every single family that has so graciously helped us out. I honestly do thank the Lord every day for the church and the opportunity for us to be involved more.

Let's see... the most common question I get is "do you have them on the same schedule" and the answer is both yes and no. Some days they are on the EXACT same schedule and other days it couldn't be more opposite! It's fun seeing their little personalities develop each day. Looking back they are the EXACT same as they were in my belly. Ramsey is so kick back and calm whereas her brother Slade is just a nervous bundle of energy!!! He is a MUCH better eater than she is (atleast this month). I've been pumping a lot to keep milk supply up and thankfully both of them can alternate between nursing and the bottle. This has been a lifesaver. Slade has been able to hold his own little bottle for 2 weeks now. I know it seems sad to think of the poor little guy all alone with his bottle, but with twins, you have to do whatever works. Usually we are all together 24 hours a day. Both of them sleep better if they are touching me in some way, so we still snuggle all night long. Of course I don't sleep much as the bible story of the woman smothering her baby (1 Kings 3) haunts me. Other than a COMPLETE lack of sleep, things couldn't be more perfect.

I'm adjusting to going out with 4 kids and having 4 kids crying at the same time. Sometimes it all doesn't seem real and I have to sit back and just laugh, because it's so chaotic. I know many people wouldn't want the stress that comes with 4 kids or twins alone (believe me they have told me)... but almost daily I think of a friend of mine who died almost a year ago to a brain tumor. I know she is with the Lord and wouldn't return to this earth for anything, but I think to myself "what if today is MY last day with my kids"? When I think of how short this little life is, the trials of today seem minimal and I enjoy every chaotic minute. My friend Ramey left behind a son (who thankfully has an incredible father and family support system). I want to make every minute of my influence on these kids count. This is very challenging when combined with all the other responsibilities we have as wives/mothers. I so want to hear Christ say at the end of my life "well done my good and faithful servant".

Sorry if this post is grammatically incorrect or is jumbled. Expect to see a lot of run on sentences, or fragments, and sentences ending in a preposition or starting with "and". I'm too tired to google the proper way to word something:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

ONE happy girl

I was walking up to our mailbox (enjoying my 3.5 minutes alone) and just sat there staring up in the sky and thanking God for the life and blessings He's decided to give me. I don't know why it hit me at that moment... probably just being outside in His creation verses my four cement walls (well a few more dry walls too), but I realized if I were to die tomorrow, I have had an incredibly full and blessed life. We can all find the negatives in our lives, but we can choose to focus on the positives as well. And for me... I would take a LIFETIME of sleepless nights so I wouldn't miss a single minute of the time I have with these little ones. I guess I've been self reflecting and realize how precious time is! Maybe that is why I take so many pictures?

Anyway, just my thought for today. Here is a picture of Ramsey just as content as can be. Both of them melt my heart every time I see them (which is A LOT).

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

More hospital pics

Here are some hospital pics that my mom took. I never got around to uploading them to the blog (until now). I love seeing Kingsley holding his two new babies... I know it was just amazing for him to be "seeing double".

Anyway, the weight check up on Ramsey couldn't have gone better. She went from 6.0 to 6.12 in just a few days and Mr. Slade went from 6.1 to 6.13. He is still holding on to being the "big" brother.

Also... Keller's eye appointment went really well. His last appointment his vision in his left eye went to 20/50 (with glasses) and since he's been wearing them most of the time his vision improved to 20/30 (with seeing a few on the 20/25 line). We are so very thankful for the outcome of both appointments!

Things are going really well. Kingsley has been spending a lot of time with the older 2 kids. Keller has been learning to ride his bike WITHOUT training wheels. He hasn't mastered it yet, but is getting better every time "daddy" takes him out.

Saylor is such a great little helper. She is right by my side every minute she is awake! We had a heart to heart talk yesterday (me and the kids) about teamwork and this morning they have been amazing! They have helped with laundry, dishes, vacuuming, folding clothes and fixing lunch! I really hope this new found excitement for chores lasts longer than a day!

Nights are still a little harder with showers, baths, trimming 40 toes and 40 fingernails, crying babies at night, and 2 kids who don't like to go to bed! I enjoy the challenge and WILL master it with a loving and godly attitude! I enjoy seeing Kingsley at the end of the day!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

3 weeks old

Today the twins are 3 weeks old.. .well not yet... one more hour and they'll be 3 weeks:) And today, the loss of sleep over the last 3 weeks finally caught up with me. I feel like I was hit by a semi! Thankfully Kingsley will be home most of today.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The 4 loves of my life...

The minute I laid eyes on each one of these children at birth, my life was forever changed. I am so in love with these 4 kids!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dr. Appointment

Today the twins had their 2 week appointment. I guess "they" hope babies are up to their birth weight at this point. I was worried Slade would be on the "lean" side as he isn't as good of an eater as his sister. He is doing better, but still gets 1 bottle a day. She is pretty efficient though. When we checked in I was shocked to see that she was only 6.0 lbs (born at 6.14) and Slade was 6.1 (born at 6.2). The Dr. seemed a little concerned as well. Said that she shouldn't be down by that much. He seems to think I'm not making enough milk for 2 babies, he said he would be surprised if I WAS making enough for 2! Ramsey just hates taking a bottle, so he said to keep feeding her, but more often. She is already eating every 2 hours, so every hour will seem like NONSTOP nursing! At the end of the appointment they re-weighed them and both of them weighed in (different nurse) at 6.2! Everything else checked out great (eyes, ears, spine, etc...). The babies didn't care for the Dr. too much. If they were my first kids I'd be more stressed out with the screaming and "looks" from others, but at this point you know once you've done everything you can do they just have to cry it out. Thankfully a good friend of ours was watching the older two, so I didn't have to break up their fighting all day:) All in all it was a pretty good day... tomorrow we have Keller's eye appointment!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Here are a few pics of Slade... he seems more photogenic than his sister right now. She has a blocked tear duct that is oozing and not so pretty! We'll have to post "sleeping" pictures of her. They go to the Dr. tomorrow for their 2 week check up. Hard to believe they are "aging" so quickly! 2 weeks flew by!

Monday, March 9, 2009

First Bath

Not only was Miimi there for ALL 4 of our kids' births... but she was the "lucky" one who was able to dislodge each child's umbilical cord! Slade's cord came off first and looks good, so I decided to give him his first real bath today. As you can see he didn't care for it too much! The poor little guy wanted to be anywhere else but in that bath tub! I forgot how cute and sweet smelling babies are right after a bath. They are so snuggly! I cuddled him as long as I could before everyone in the house started in on the "I'm hungry" chant! Thankfully I haven't even had to worry about food yet. Our church has been incredible. We've had people here bringing food even before my mom left. They are going to bring food for 2 weeks - just amazing how much they are supporting and encouraging us. Not only are these incredible women bringing food, but they are INSISTING on coming over during the week to take Keller and Saylor out to the park or library for a few hours so I can squeeze a nap in. The girl heading up this whole ministry knows I won't ask for help, so she isn't even asking, she just simply says "OK Andrea... so and so is coming over Thur. to watch the kids whether you like it or not"...LOL. I'm so thankful for all the people who are doing so much for us and I do look forward to helping others out in a similar way!!!

Everyone is in bed... so it's my turn ... for atleast 45 min or so:) every minute counts these days.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Going to miss Mimi

Well Mimi is due to go home on Saturday and right now I'm not sure how we'll function w/o her. I never believed in superwoman until now! She is amazing! From the time she wakes up until the time she goes to bed she is busy cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, feeding Keller and Saylor, doing laundry, organizing, grocery shopping, taking kids to park, doting on me, etc. I will miss having her around, and not b/c she is doing all those things, but simply because she is more than a mom, she's my friend and I will miss her company! The kids were in her bedroom last night wanting to sleep in there b/c they thought she was leaving today and they didn't want to "miss" her. I know it will take some adjusting on their part to get used to not having her around. I am so blessed to have her be here and be willing to give up and sacrifice so much to be here.

Anyway, we are all doing well. Nights are still VERY rough... the twins don't like to sleep unless they are both touching me, so all 3 of us snuggle most of the night! They get some sleep, but I get only 2-3 hours at the most. They nurse every 2 hours, and so I'm nursing one of them every HOUR... then changing diapers and trying to get them back to bed again. As tired as I am I still look at them with awe and amazement. I can't believe God loaned both of them for me to raise.

Well they are both napping now, so that is my cue to do the same. I've taken HUNDEREDS of pictures, just can't upload them fast enough.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sleep Deprived

Going on no sleep, so I'll write later, but here are a few more pics...

Monday, March 2, 2009

"Can I help mommy"?

Those words are so precious to hear from a 5 yr. old boy who only seems to love the computer and video games! Keller came up to me last night and said "Mommy, can I help you with anything, maybe even feed my little brother"? My heart just melted. Keller just loved bonding and feeding his brother. The helping quickly turned into teasing... he thought it was funny to stick the bottle in his mouth then yank it out and watch poor Slade root frantically! It was still fun to see him interested:)

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Have I mentioned that I am just on cloud nine? I literally have to pinch myself to see if this is all real. Aside from being tired and having one emotional breakdown..LOL... I couldn't ask for more. I am so in love with these babies. They are beyond precious. I know in a few weeks they won't have that "newborn" look, smell or cry and I want to enjoy every single minute of it. They are really good babies. They are so different already. Slade is more content and he loves to look around. Ramsey will let you know when she is upset, there is NO warning... just some VERY loud screams! She can pout too! Her little lips curl down and she will let you know when she is unhappy with something! Slade is a great sleeper, but not such a great eater. Ramsey is a GREAT eater, but not so much on the sleep. She will only sleep if she is being held or has body contact with someone! They are both just so amazing in their own way. I can't get enough of them!!!