Sunday, March 1, 2009


Have I mentioned that I am just on cloud nine? I literally have to pinch myself to see if this is all real. Aside from being tired and having one emotional breakdown..LOL... I couldn't ask for more. I am so in love with these babies. They are beyond precious. I know in a few weeks they won't have that "newborn" look, smell or cry and I want to enjoy every single minute of it. They are really good babies. They are so different already. Slade is more content and he loves to look around. Ramsey will let you know when she is upset, there is NO warning... just some VERY loud screams! She can pout too! Her little lips curl down and she will let you know when she is unhappy with something! Slade is a great sleeper, but not such a great eater. Ramsey is a GREAT eater, but not so much on the sleep. She will only sleep if she is being held or has body contact with someone! They are both just so amazing in their own way. I can't get enough of them!!!

1 comment: said...

I'm glad you guys are adjusting so well. I miss having a newborn around!