Thursday, March 5, 2009

Going to miss Mimi

Well Mimi is due to go home on Saturday and right now I'm not sure how we'll function w/o her. I never believed in superwoman until now! She is amazing! From the time she wakes up until the time she goes to bed she is busy cooking, cleaning, changing diapers, feeding Keller and Saylor, doing laundry, organizing, grocery shopping, taking kids to park, doting on me, etc. I will miss having her around, and not b/c she is doing all those things, but simply because she is more than a mom, she's my friend and I will miss her company! The kids were in her bedroom last night wanting to sleep in there b/c they thought she was leaving today and they didn't want to "miss" her. I know it will take some adjusting on their part to get used to not having her around. I am so blessed to have her be here and be willing to give up and sacrifice so much to be here.

Anyway, we are all doing well. Nights are still VERY rough... the twins don't like to sleep unless they are both touching me, so all 3 of us snuggle most of the night! They get some sleep, but I get only 2-3 hours at the most. They nurse every 2 hours, and so I'm nursing one of them every HOUR... then changing diapers and trying to get them back to bed again. As tired as I am I still look at them with awe and amazement. I can't believe God loaned both of them for me to raise.

Well they are both napping now, so that is my cue to do the same. I've taken HUNDEREDS of pictures, just can't upload them fast enough.

5 comments: said...

they are so sweet Andrea.. :) Ramsey looks like Saylor to me. . and Slade looks like a little man. they are both so adorable. i can't even imagine having two at the same time.. double the love. i went shopping for them this week.. it was so much fun. i forgot how much i missed this age!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Andrea - What wonderful blessings they are! Praying for rest so that you can really enJOY this transition!!!

Anne Marie

Anonymous said...


I love the pictures! They are so cute. It's amazing how different they look already but what a bond you can see they have in the pictures-even at this age. They look like they are always wanting to be near or touching each other. The twin bond already seems evident.

You all seem to be doing pretty good!

take care,

Sheryl (your cousin...) :)

Andrea said...

Hey Sheryl... my, how is your friend doing... the one who had twins a few weeks ago? I've been thinking of her a lot lately... wondering how she is juggling it all? Things are good here, but my mom is here doing a lot. The true test is how well we will be doing with her GONE!

Anonymous said...

From what I understand she is doing good. She had a boy and a girl just like you about 2 weeks before you did. She has a 7 year old daughter too. She is planning to come back to work.

You will do fine. You are a very strong person!
