Monday, March 9, 2009

First Bath

Not only was Miimi there for ALL 4 of our kids' births... but she was the "lucky" one who was able to dislodge each child's umbilical cord! Slade's cord came off first and looks good, so I decided to give him his first real bath today. As you can see he didn't care for it too much! The poor little guy wanted to be anywhere else but in that bath tub! I forgot how cute and sweet smelling babies are right after a bath. They are so snuggly! I cuddled him as long as I could before everyone in the house started in on the "I'm hungry" chant! Thankfully I haven't even had to worry about food yet. Our church has been incredible. We've had people here bringing food even before my mom left. They are going to bring food for 2 weeks - just amazing how much they are supporting and encouraging us. Not only are these incredible women bringing food, but they are INSISTING on coming over during the week to take Keller and Saylor out to the park or library for a few hours so I can squeeze a nap in. The girl heading up this whole ministry knows I won't ask for help, so she isn't even asking, she just simply says "OK Andrea... so and so is coming over Thur. to watch the kids whether you like it or not"...LOL. I'm so thankful for all the people who are doing so much for us and I do look forward to helping others out in a similar way!!!

Everyone is in bed... so it's my turn ... for atleast 45 min or so:) every minute counts these days.

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