Tuesday, March 24, 2009

4 weeks old....

WOW.... seems like yesterday that I was blogging "I hope to make it another 4 weeks"... and now here I am 4 weeks past labor. We've had such an incredible month! We've been SO blessed with meals (from people in our church) for over 2 weeks! I really have enjoyed meeting and getting to know every single family that has so graciously helped us out. I honestly do thank the Lord every day for the church and the opportunity for us to be involved more.

Let's see... the most common question I get is "do you have them on the same schedule" and the answer is both yes and no. Some days they are on the EXACT same schedule and other days it couldn't be more opposite! It's fun seeing their little personalities develop each day. Looking back they are the EXACT same as they were in my belly. Ramsey is so kick back and calm whereas her brother Slade is just a nervous bundle of energy!!! He is a MUCH better eater than she is (atleast this month). I've been pumping a lot to keep milk supply up and thankfully both of them can alternate between nursing and the bottle. This has been a lifesaver. Slade has been able to hold his own little bottle for 2 weeks now. I know it seems sad to think of the poor little guy all alone with his bottle, but with twins, you have to do whatever works. Usually we are all together 24 hours a day. Both of them sleep better if they are touching me in some way, so we still snuggle all night long. Of course I don't sleep much as the bible story of the woman smothering her baby (1 Kings 3) haunts me. Other than a COMPLETE lack of sleep, things couldn't be more perfect.

I'm adjusting to going out with 4 kids and having 4 kids crying at the same time. Sometimes it all doesn't seem real and I have to sit back and just laugh, because it's so chaotic. I know many people wouldn't want the stress that comes with 4 kids or twins alone (believe me they have told me)... but almost daily I think of a friend of mine who died almost a year ago to a brain tumor. I know she is with the Lord and wouldn't return to this earth for anything, but I think to myself "what if today is MY last day with my kids"? When I think of how short this little life is, the trials of today seem minimal and I enjoy every chaotic minute. My friend Ramey left behind a son (who thankfully has an incredible father and family support system). I want to make every minute of my influence on these kids count. This is very challenging when combined with all the other responsibilities we have as wives/mothers. I so want to hear Christ say at the end of my life "well done my good and faithful servant".

Sorry if this post is grammatically incorrect or is jumbled. Expect to see a lot of run on sentences, or fragments, and sentences ending in a preposition or starting with "and". I'm too tired to google the proper way to word something:)


SunshineBarlowe.com said...

yay! I love the pictures..and of course I love the Ramey story.. :( she isn't missing anything down here..but, we miss her.

The babies are so sweet.. I cannot believe you have four kids. .
I know it's a lot of work but, you really were made for it.

Thanks for the updates.
I love them!


Erin said...

Who's knocking 4 kids??!! They have no idea what they are missing!

The family is beautiful. And either you Photoshop like a madwoman or you are the most put-together new mother of twins I have ever seen...

You done good!