Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Dr. Appointment

Today the twins had their 2 week appointment. I guess "they" hope babies are up to their birth weight at this point. I was worried Slade would be on the "lean" side as he isn't as good of an eater as his sister. He is doing better, but still gets 1 bottle a day. She is pretty efficient though. When we checked in I was shocked to see that she was only 6.0 lbs (born at 6.14) and Slade was 6.1 (born at 6.2). The Dr. seemed a little concerned as well. Said that she shouldn't be down by that much. He seems to think I'm not making enough milk for 2 babies, he said he would be surprised if I WAS making enough for 2! Ramsey just hates taking a bottle, so he said to keep feeding her, but more often. She is already eating every 2 hours, so every hour will seem like NONSTOP nursing! At the end of the appointment they re-weighed them and both of them weighed in (different nurse) at 6.2! Everything else checked out great (eyes, ears, spine, etc...). The babies didn't care for the Dr. too much. If they were my first kids I'd be more stressed out with the screaming and "looks" from others, but at this point you know once you've done everything you can do they just have to cry it out. Thankfully a good friend of ours was watching the older two, so I didn't have to break up their fighting all day:) All in all it was a pretty good day... tomorrow we have Keller's eye appointment!

1 comment: said...

Now, that is one big stroller.. :) They are the sweetest !