Thursday, March 19, 2009

ONE happy girl

I was walking up to our mailbox (enjoying my 3.5 minutes alone) and just sat there staring up in the sky and thanking God for the life and blessings He's decided to give me. I don't know why it hit me at that moment... probably just being outside in His creation verses my four cement walls (well a few more dry walls too), but I realized if I were to die tomorrow, I have had an incredibly full and blessed life. We can all find the negatives in our lives, but we can choose to focus on the positives as well. And for me... I would take a LIFETIME of sleepless nights so I wouldn't miss a single minute of the time I have with these little ones. I guess I've been self reflecting and realize how precious time is! Maybe that is why I take so many pictures?

Anyway, just my thought for today. Here is a picture of Ramsey just as content as can be. Both of them melt my heart every time I see them (which is A LOT).

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