Friday, December 26, 2008

29 Weeks!

I hope you all had a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! We sure did... but it was mostly due to the excitement our kids created. They are at perfect ages to enjoy the hype of the holidays! Since our family is ALL back east, we celebrated Christ's birth (by giving gifts:) home alone this year. Keller reminded me so much of ME as a kid. He had trouble falling asleep b/c of his excitement... then was talking in his sleep about santa coming down chimney and eating cookies... etc (he does know santa isn't real, but loves to play up the story). He woke up at 2:00, 4:00 and then at 7:30 asking if Santa came yet. He raced downstairs and was just yelling and running around screaming about 100's of presents (which was the furthest from the truth)! Saylor wanted to sleep in with daddy and didn't care to even go look! (FOR SURE KINGSLEY'S GENES IN THERE) I had told Kingsley, "it's a matter of seconds before he comes racing up and wanting us to come down and see"... and before words were out of my mouth we heard the pitter patter of his feet come racing up the stairs.... "mommy, daddy, you HAVE to come see this, hurry, HURRY". My heart just melted and tears welled up (yes, it's pregnancy related) because I remember that EXACT moment I had every single Christmas as a kid. (I'll admit .... it's not as fun being the parent:) That moment was priceless. Needless to say, we had a great morning!!!

Later in the afternoon, we had our closest friends drive up with their 4 kids to spend the day with us. They added so much fun and joy to our day. My UTI started acting up (on ALL days!) and I was unable to cook, stand, etc... I felt so helpless. My good friend (who is ALSO pregnant, 26 weeks along) took over the kitchen and cooked, cleaned, managed 6 kids etc. I don't know how she did it, but I must have thanked God for her 100 times yesterday afternoon. I am now a FIRM believer in superwoman... meanwhile the boys all played games on the Wii and we had fun watching them....

It was a fun and memorable day! Next year we'll have little 10 month olds crawling everywhere and eating the paper I'm sure:)

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