Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Well the news I've been waiting for ... for almost 29 weeks.... I passed the GT 3 hour test! I was quite excited to hear the news so that I could enjoy all the "fixings" on Christmas Day. My OB heard their heartbeats nice and strong and my uterus measured normal for twins at 29 weeks. The only negative side to the appointment is that I think I have UTI (infection).... I had to go to the lab right after my appointment. I find out today if that is the case. I am kind of praying that IT IS... because if not, then the symptoms lead more towards pre-eclampsia which is quite dangerous! So all went well yesterday.

Other than that I'm starting to swell a little (in the mornings)... which I did with both Keller and Saylor, so it's no surprise. Standing hurts, but now sitting does as well. Laying down is the only way to relieve the pressure of both babies being head down. I was ordered to spend 2 hours on my left side (laying down) in the morning/afternoon and 2 hours on right side in the late afternoon!

Babies are doing well.... not kicking as much as moving. I feel huge body parts protruding out and it's fun to kind of push them back in! My little girl isn't so mean anymore.... she doesn't mind you touching her like she used to!
So that is the update for now.

I think I need to go put some Christmas music on and start wrapping some gifts! It will be such a fun Christmas (well as fun as it can be w/o mimi and diddy playing Santa Claus)!!! We are having our very good friends come up in the afternoon for some food, fun and sledding (hopefully). Their family means so much to us, so it'll be nice to still be with "family" on Christmas. I pray (and I just did so that I didn't lie in writing that) that everyone who reads this has a blessed Christmas and remembers the reason we celebrate.... the birth of our Saviour....


Unknown said...

you are so cute! looks like you have a basketball protruding from your stomach! love it!

Andrea said...

Thanks Sunny..... but I'll spare anyone from posting BACK SIDE photo's! I miss you girl... A LOT!!!