Saturday, December 6, 2008

75 days left.... 10 weeks and counting.

When I think about 10 weeks ago (which seems like yesterday) I realize how fast the twins will be here. I keep thinking "I have time, lots of it", but in reality ... I DO NOT! I guess even when you are not pregnant life is like that. We all assume we have tomorrow or next week, but we aren't promised that. So with that in mind... I'm packing my hospital bag. I remember with Keller that there wasn't time to pack my bag once my water broke, so I was glad I had packed WELL IN ADVANCE (he was 3 weeks early too). It feels like forever since I've been in the hospital and I forget what I may need. Feel free to email or post any creative suggestions that may help!

Part of my urgency to pack came last night when I thought I was on my way to L & D (labor and delivery). I started dozing off on the couch when I was quickly awakened to such a painful, very painful feeling. Saylor had jumped right on top of my belly with her little 38 lb body and every muscle in my uterus contracted and wouldn't relax. For 20 minutes I laid there in pain, just crying b/c I couldn't move. Keller instantly was by my sides rubbing my back and getting me water, hugging me and giving me all the "i love you's" i could possibly ask for. I called Kingsley who came home and got the kids in bed. Once the muscles relaxed (and I relaxed) I started having painful contractions .... just a few of them... but they were not the typical braxton hicks! I debated calling my OB, but I thought, "he'll only ask far apart they are" and at that point they were not close enough to warrant a visit into L&D! So with this in perspective, I need to make sure I'm ready at any given time. (again, even when not pregnant, a good principle to live by). I pray I can cook these two little ones long enough to a safe delivery..... maybe I'll invest in a shield to protect them for now:)

Saylor kept getting out of bed and peeking over the balcony. I realized that because she internalizes everything that she was probably having trouble getting to sleep b/c of the situation. I hobbled upstairs and she just grabbed me and hugged me like she never has before. She very quietly kept asking "mommy, which twin did I hurt" (i'm sure she was hoping nothing happens to her beloved sister)... she was trying to hold back her tears, which made me lose it. I kept reassuring her that it's going to be O.K. and that it was an accident, and she has nothing to be sad about. She asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep. It was a precious moment to know that she just wanted reassurance that mommy loved her.

So ... now to finish packing my hospital bag!

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