Friday, December 19, 2008

Well I have 2 more hours to kill at this glucose test... So I figured I'd update my blog from my peri appointment! Everything went perfectly, in fact it was better than I expected! Both babies are head down right now (thus the incredible pelvic pressure). I thought just our son was down but I guess his sister followed his lead! They both looked huge on the ultrasound! She is weighing in at 2.8 lbs while he is 2.6 lbs! It was amazing to see all 4 chambers of their heart! At this point they would notice any irregular heartbeat or murmur.. Both hearts were pumping beautifully! Their spines and other bones and organs all looked perfect as well! Our daughter was the shy one this time so we didn't get any pictures of her... But got a few good ones of our little man! He was so busy playing with his foot the whole time! He seemed fascinated by his toes and both hands were playing with it like it was a toy! So adorable!
I had asked the peri why they don't let mothers of twins go to 40 weeks. He said because twins mature (lungs develop etc) at a faster rate than a singleton... Full term or 40 weeks is 37 weeks for twins! Said after that point the placenta doesn't really nourish them and can deteriorate. He said even though I am 28 weeks the twins are developed at a 31 week fetus stage! Thus the reasons twins can be born at a premie stage with nothing wrong with them! That was quite comforting to hear! He said average twin births occur around 35 weeks.... That is February 3 for me!
So that is the update! The kids love going and seeing their "twins" and we were blessed to have Kingsley join is too! I know it's possible for one or both babies to change positions... I pray they stay head down!
I am so thankful to God who has allowed me to sail through this pregnancy with no problems. I know He is in control of all things! How comforting!
She (the nurse) is calling me in for another blood draw. She was nice and used small needles today. I asked her why would use bigger needles.... Apparently they can do that if you upset them! I've been kissing some butt with her to avoid big needles!

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