Sunday, December 14, 2008

a pregnancy moment....

There are so many times I forget something, or do something stupid, trip, put clean laundry BACK IN WASHER TO CLEAN or put clean dishes in fridge, etc.... but last night was a good one. We were invited to my neighbor's HUGE Christmas party and with Kingsley out of town, I thought it would be fun to take the kids. So we all get dressed up and go over. I'm there almost an hour (meeting a ton of people), when I keep feeling something scratching my neck. I reached up and realized I had put my shirt on INSIDE OUT and BACKWARDS... the tag was just sticking out for everyone to see. I quickly ran to the bathroom and changed it, but it was completely obvious and completely ME! I'm not so sure it was pregnancy related since I've had that happen on numerous occasions..... I guess Kingsley is right about one thing... I do need to work on being more observant!!!

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