Thursday, December 18, 2008


I've had it on my to do list for a few months and finally got around to finalizing the CBR (cord blood registry). We banked both Keller and Saylor's cord blood stem cells and are so thankful we did, as stem cell research is curing things we never thought it could (Type 1 diabetes, cerebral palsy, leukemia, etc). Of course our prayer is that we never have to use it, but in the case that we do, it's priceless to have. Selfishly (but never a reason), I'm thankful because for the mother you have 100% match. Father's aren't as "lucky", I believe their chances for a match are 25%. Many of you know our beliefs in medicine and drug therapy, so to have all of our children with banked cord blood stem cells is such a blessing. I thank Kingsley for allowing us (in philosophy and financially) to make the decision. (If you happen to read this honey, I love you). I have a few relatives and friends pregnant right now, so if you are interested, I can give you my contact guy at CBR... he is great! One of the best parts of the process is the collection. Because it takes 10-15 minutes to extract the stem cells from the umbilical cord, they place my babies on me all gooey and bloody (and still connected to me with umbilical cord) for those 10 minutes instead of rushing them off to be cleaned up. It is the most precious 10 minutes I have with them! I'm getting all teary eyed just thinking about it.

I'm also 28 weeks complete today.... so on to my 29th week. I will sigh a sigh of relief once I hit 32 weeks as the problems they will have (if born that early) will be minimal (Lord Willing). I also go to see my Peri today. I always look forward to getting a glance of my 2 babies... and it's almost as shocking as first finding out I was having twins. I still can't believe it. I have a hunch (could be WAY OFF) that our little boy is head down? Either that or he's kicking less and using arms to hit more... I'm feeling the kicks higher instead of lower now.

I'll post the HUGE belly picture later... hope you all enjoy the weekend.

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