Friday, February 27, 2009

It's a twin thing...

When Slade was in NICU, the nurses were telling us stories of how when twins are separated, then reunited they start getting frantic and reaching for one another... Like they KNEW they were apart. I laughed and thought "oh how cute", but didn't totally believe it. I mean after all, they are only a few days old! Well sure enough as soon as they brought him back to our room and we put them in their bed together, Slade got all wide eyed and frantic and kept reaching for his sister's hand!!!! It had to be one of the cutest things I've ever seen. It wasn't random movement, he was honestly excited to be back with her! My Dr. has twin grandkids and was telling me all kinds of similar stories!

So the big question: "How are you managing Andrea?". Believe it or not, we are doing quite well. It's of course an adjustment to life before, but we are slowly figuring it out. My mother has been a HUGE source of support. I haven't had to worry about meals... She just whips up incredible meals from literally nothing. (Kings will miss her the most:). She watches all 4 while I nap in the afternoon because the twins seem to have their nights and days mixed up. They still sleep well at night, but are awake for longer periods of time. BOTH of them have to sleep skin to skin on me... so I am not comfortable sleeping, but when you are that sleep deprived, you can fall asleep in any position. I sleep downstairs in the kids playroom. We have a pull out sofa. I have their pack and play set up, but for the most part, we all bunk together. I know I know, not what you are supposed to do with newborns... but hey, Keller and Saylor did the same thing and they survived! Feeding them is interesting. I try to keep them on the same schedule, but they wake up at the exact same time both rooting frantically! I am breastfeeding Ramsey while trying to get Slade off the bottle. He had to take a bottle in NICU, so he's a little lazy with breastfeeding. I am getting used to feeding one while the other one has to cry it out. I'm getting used to using my hands more efficiently... nursing one standing up and holding pacifier in other's mouth... it's a challenge, but a fun one. We then change diapers, and rock and try and sleep again... Mornings are more difficult as I hear the older 2 kids up and moving and my body just wants NOTHING more than to sleep. I know Keller and Saylor need me more than ever to know they aren't neglected and these new babies haven't sucked the life out of me. Both of them have adjusted well to their new brother and sister. Keller loves his brother and kisses him goodnight and will ask questions, while Saylor mimic's EVERY THING I do from changing diapers to pumping! She is a little mommy in training. She never hesitates to get a diaper or binky, blanket etc... to make one of them happy. She absolutely loves having them here. Neither seem jealous or put out in anyway! So things are good. I haven't even started thinking of how to manage laundry and cleaning yet. I'm sure we'll get it down eventually, but for now, we don't have the spotless home that I so desperately want!!!

That's it for now. My mom is at the park with the older 2, and so I'm going to attempt a short nap.

Goodbye for now..

Thursday, February 26, 2009

A cousin is soon to arrive....

Keller, Saylor, Slade and Ramsey are looking forward to having a cousin arrive in early October!!!!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

long day

I am sorry if this is all jumbled or repetitive, but i am beyond sleep deprived. Last night Kingsley went down to feed Slade (has spent almost ALL of his time with the little guy in NICU) and said everything looked good and the nurse mentioned him coming to room the next day (today). I was able to go see him shortly after and was able to do kangaroo care (where you hold them skin to skin). It was a sweet moment. This morning I woke up to the photographer wanting to take pictures. I told her Slade was still in NICU, so she went to see when he'd be discharged. One of the nurses told her "he's not going home anytime soon, it will be DAYS... " I kind of freaked out not knowing went wrong during the night. I kept calling for my nurse, but no one came. I can't leave Ramsey alone to go to NICU to check up on Slade, and when I do find a nurse, they "can't" stay b/c they have other patients. I'm like 100 yards from the NICU but yet I can't go down there. They came in to do Ramsey's hearing test and I ran down to NICU. I talked with the NICU Dr. and he said the breathing is NO longer a concern, the grunting has stopped, no infection, etc. Everything checked out perfectly except for the fact that is isn't eating well... actually poorly. They called in a specialist and she got him to eat the needed amount within the time limit. Dr. said if we can get him to do that consistently then he'd discharge him tonight. Of course I can't feed him since I can't leave Ramsey, so Kingsley came in and fed him. The specialist showed him some tricks and they got him to take another large amount. I was beyond excited. I didn't expect them to release him, but he was officially discharged to our room around 8pm! Ramsey and I were discharged today. There has been a problem with insurance covering his circumcision if not done in the hospital, etc. I have been on phone most of the night trying to figure out what they cover and don't... NICU time, etc. So the pediatrician decided the best way to work it out was to discharge me and Ramsey so we don't get charged, but keep Slade here until the morning. Since the hospital wants babies with mom's and does NOT have a nursery, they have no choice but to let us stay in Slade's room with him... So that is the plan. I'm so excited that he is well and is back with us. The prognosis after ALL OF THAT is that he is a boy and boys tend to be more immature in development.... took him longer to "transition" to life outside the uterus. I am so thankful to be here in the hospital instead of being home. I feel he is fragile and if something happens I'd rather be here than at home. Kingsley is coming down to spend the night as well. Having just Ramsey here was easy, but trying to feed, console and change 2 babies diapers at the same time is quite a challenge. We are in for a crazy ride when we get home. I pray I can juggle it all and give Keller and Saylor the time and attention they need as well.

I'm tired and off to bed. Thank you for your prayers, you have NO idea how much they mean to us.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Please PLEASE pray for our little Slade

Please pray for our little Slade. Last night he was having trouble breathing... he was grunting (which I thought was a cute cry until I was informed it's a dangerous cry). They thought he just had some amniotic fluid in his lungs, but his lungs seemed clear after they checked them. The grunting and respitory distress got worse and around 5am it was apparent he was in a lot of pain. The nurses called in his pediatrician who then ordered his stomach to be pumped, a chest xray and 2 blood work tests. The stomach pump went great... a little flecks of blood from probably taking in maternal blood during delivery, the xrays came back clean and wonderful, so now we are waiting on the results from his blood. 2 tests came back normal and they ordered another one this afternoon. We'll know tomorrow if it's a possible infection of some sort. They had to take him to NICU around 10 this morning. I'm glad they did b/c his status was starting to freak me out. Kingsley came in and has been with him for hours in the NICU. He stopped breastfeeding (which we'll resume once he's out:), so Kingsley sits and gives him a bottle. His oxygen saturation and heartrate have been stable, so there is no telling what is causing all of this. The NICU Dr. came in to explain it all and he's just as baffled. He said if I had a c-section it would explain a lot, but a natural delivery of a baby his size and full term shouldn't be grunting and retracting (struggling to breathe) at this point. SO.... we don't really know what is going on. I feel helpless and want to do something for him, but he has to battle this out. I look into my little baby warmer and see Ramsey and think "look how lonely she looks". Even for it only being a day, it just seems normal to have 2 babies in the bassinett, and to see one is sad for us. We know he's in good hands as the NICU is 1:1 ratio for babies/nurse. He's getting around the clock care and he's been bonding with his daddy.

He may not be able to come home with us tomorrow, but there is a small chance he may. I can't imagine leaving him behind. He's been such a trooper. I've started pumping breastmilk for him, and am really sore. I also didn't realize how sore I'd be after labor (2nd degree tear). Just moving is very difficult, let alone trying to take care of 2 babies. I know it's all temporary and is so small in comparison of the amazing blessings God has just given me. Thank you in advance for lifting him up in your prayers.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


(Slade has all the dark hair and is smaller than his sister, Ramsey). Kingsley went right to work bundling them up and keeping them warm. The last picture is of Ramsey and the 1st, 4th and 5th pictures are of Slade)

What a day! Words can never describe what today was like. I will try and express it with details, but truly it was a day like NO OTHER! There are few times in your life when time just seems to stand still.. and today was one of them!!!

At 9:45 I was checked and we realized that Slade's water had ruptured. I was also 5-6 CM dialated. This was so hopeful as we really thought labor would go fast! So it was around 11:00am when our nurse came in and we were dying to know if I had dialated past the previous 5-6 CM. She informed us that she had just checked an hour or so prior and that she didn't want to check that often b/c of the risk of infection. My Dr. happened to walk in at that moment and said, "let's see if there has been any progress"... as soon as he checked me, he said "WHOA, it's time". He said I was fully dialtated and that we needed to prepare the OR right away. The shock just hit me... it was BABY TIME. I panicked a little, but then managed to get some chapstick on and pray for what was about to come. The nurse quickly brought in scrubs and booties and hats for my mom and Kingsley to wear. They wheeled me down to the OR and put me on the table. I was shaking like there was no tomorrow. I was so excited to FINALLY meet my babies, but it just seemed so unreal to me at the moment. We had so many people in the room. Once my Dr. arrived around 11:25 he just said, "don't push yet". He pushed on my stomach (REAL HARD) and manipulated it around. Then he said push on the next contraction... I pushed for 10 seconds, the another 10 seconds and on the 3rd 10 second push little Slade came screaming into the world weighing 6.2! He was born at 11:36am! Then the Dr. proceeded to do the same thing to little Ramsey. He pushed and pushed on my stomach getting her into the birth canal. I actually had to push through 3 contractions... but she was born 5 min. after her big brother and weighed 6.14! Both of them came out crying which was music to my ears. I couldn't stop crying! Meanwhile I had to deliver the placenta's and THAT was WORSE than delivering my precious babies! I pushed through that and I realized that Slade had caused a 2nd degree tear! The Dr. was busy sewing me up but was concerned with the amount of blood I had lost. He gave me a shot of something that was to clot my blood, but that didn't work. He mentioned doing a blood transfusion.. but they gave me 2 shots of hemabate and that seemed to have worked. They wheeled my back to my room at 12:20! The entire pushing, and clean up totaled less than an HOUR! It was amazing and fast! They took the twins to the recovery room since Slade had some fluid in his lungs that he needed to expel. I ended up joining them and just couldn't take my eyes off of them. I was extremely nauseated and light headed. I really was struggling to even make sense of it all, but I'm pretty sure it was due to lack of blood combined with all the meds! After an hour we went into our room and my dad brought Keller and Saylor in to meet their new brother and sister! Saylor was quite interested, but Keller was more interested in the "toys" that his new brother and sister had gotten him!

Both Ramsey and Slade are nursing beautifully! They are naturals! We just moved up to the post labor department. They got their baths and are doing perfect! I am doing pretty good as well. My uterus is struggling to adjust to life w/o babies.

It was amazing to see Kingsley in his scrubs holding his two new newborns. I just sat in awe of the picture of him and these TWO little ones. I don't think I've ever been MORE attracted to Kingsley! It was a beautiful moment. What made the day even MORE special was the fact that my mom came to the hospital at 1am on Sunday and sacrificed sleep to be with me during this incredible time. She kept me laughing and entertained. She was a huge source of encouragment and support. In the OR she held my hand and just kept encouraging me over and over again. She was amazing and it meant the world to me to have that moment to bond with her.

Again there are NO words to describe giving birth, holding, kissing, nursing TWO little precious babies! I thank God for these little blessings that are now in our life!

7:00 update

got epidural at 4 cm and feel loopy! Hard to get oxygen in lungs but no vomitting or shakes! Time to sleep now

4:00am update on 2-22-09!

No turning back now! They started me on pitocin at 2:15. I was actually already having contractions 2-8 minutes prior to that! I dialated 2-3 now and am 85% effaced! The dr doesnt want me to go past 3-4 without epidural... So I'll be getting that in about 30 minutes.. (4:30am). This is the part I hate most about labor!!! I react in shakes first... Then the vomitting of bile finished off with incredible skin itching! Once that passes it's downhill..... My mom is here in the room with me as is Kingsley! Kingsley has been asleep all night long while mom is sacrificing entire night sleep to keep me company! My dad is holding down the fort at home with the kids! I am beyond excited to have my mom here and share this experience with us! What a blessing she is!

Ok and someone asked why I was updating blog amidst labor... And the answer is simple... It's keeping my mind off of the pain!!!!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

9:15pm update

well labor virtually stopped! My dr agreed to start pitocin at 2:00am! They'll start me on low dosage. Hopefully tomorrow morning I'll be reaching 10 cm! I am going to "try" and sleep a little since I know I'll be awake from 2am on!


well good thing is I have my own room now!!!!! It's right across from the OR! Bad news is my contractions are going away!!! Looks like they'll be here tomorrow and not tonight! The dr saw contractions were 2-3 min apart and said he didn't want to use oxytocin or pitocin! He may put me on really low dose at midnight... But no way of knowing what he'll do! I am now 80% effaced but only 1-2 dialated:(. That is all for now!!

Happy Birthday mini!

well I think I am doubting my wonderful plan! My parents arrived with the kids last night and I planned on waking up early and taking a long walk to bring on labor! It sure worked! Kingsley and I hopped in car and arrived at triage around 10:00 and my contractions were 6-7 min apart and getting painful by the minute! The nurse called my dr who said to admit me! It's now 1:15 and they are 2-3 min apart and dr is on his way in to check me! I just got my IV in! So this is it! I am hoping they come before midnight since I haven't gotten my mom a bday gift and shed be thrilled to have 2 babies born on her special day! I am in a lot of pain and am posting to try and keep my mind off of it! Please pray for a smooth and healthy delivery! I will post more as things progress!

And it was like a dream seeing the kids again! I couldn't let go of them! Saylor wouldn't leave my side so she bunked on couch next to me! Keller just kept hugging and kissing us! He and Kingsley were up until 1:00am playing wii! I'm glad we had one night with them before their world got turned upside down with new siblings!

Friday, February 20, 2009

If you can stomach the stretch marks....

If you don't mind one big ole stretched out belly, then watch my little guy trying to kick his way out!

Drug Free!

I ended up taking 2 terbutaline pills yesterday b/c after doing so much I started contracting every 10 minutes. I didn't want to labor before my parents arrived, so I broke down and took 2 more pills... which WORKED. I took my last one at 1am! I'm planning on staying on the couch until about 1:00PM, then I'll start getting active again. I'm hoping that when I go into the hospital tonight for fetal monitoring that I'll be having regular contractions and then they'll have to keep me!!! That is the plan. I really hope and pray this time tomorrow I'll be pushing:) You never know though....

Thursday, February 19, 2009

1 Day... and NOTHING!

So I was planning on going off the terbutaline around 9am, but I actually stopped at 5am... and would you believe it... NOTHING. Not one contraction! And I've been doing laundry, changing sheets, cleaning dishes, dusting, etc. Tomorrow I'll have to do MORE... like go jogging or something! Maybe I'll lift a 42" TV like I did with Keller to break my water!

Last night was a LONG night. I woke up at 1am with the WORST heartburn ever. It made me vomit and I couldn't stop!!! I tried to lay down, but it kept coming back, so I fell asleep in a chair! Around 3am I went back to the couch and just laid there. At 3:33 our doorbell rang! I just froze!!! I didn't know what to do and couldn't move, I was pretty freaked out. After about 30 min I got the courage to go look, and no one was there! I made sure all the doors were locked and went back to the couch. I feel asleep around 5am! I was actually quite excited at being up most of the night since that will be my new schedule soon!

Sorry there is nothing more to report! Today makes me 37 COMPLETED weeks! I never really thought I'd make it this far! I delivered Keller at this point!

I made a really good friend in the hospital, one of the nurses. She has been so amazing. We've kept in touch daily and she called to let me know that she works Saturday and Monday. I really REALLY want her to be my delivery nurse, so she talked to my Dr. and asked if I could be induced Sunday night instead of Monday night (she is off work monday night) and he agreed to it as long as I check in after midnight! So as of now we are planning to check in Triage midnight on Sunday! I'm hoping and praying my mom can be there for the delivery. My Dr. gave the OK for her to be in the O.R. even if I need an emergency c-section! She was there for Keller and Saylor's births, so it would be so great to have her there again!

That is it for now! I'm off to take a nap!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

2 days and counting...(until I'm off meds)

So today will be one of my last days on the couch... Oh how I will miss her. I'm going off meds tomorrow and will try and be more active (if my weak legs and huge belly allow it) tomorrow and friday to bring on labor! I may even be able to go out on ONE LAST date... which would be fun. Babies are both active which is great.

I'm REALLY excited to see both Keller and Saylor sometime soon! We just downloaded skype recently so I've been able to see and talk to them via video conferencing. Keller seems uninterested most the time, while Saylor will sit there forever staring and laughing. I love being able to see their little faces. I'm also able to see my little nephews across the country. Where would we be without technology?

One more day and I'll be drug free (until labor starts:)

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 day and counting....

Another great Dr. appointment! We just got back from our VERY last (with this pregnancy) Dr. appointment. The next time we see our Dr. it will be baby pushing time! He checked me again and I'm still 1-2 cm dialated, 75% effaced and our little guy is -1 station. He originally wanted to take me off the terbutaline (contraction medicine) on Friday, but I convinced him (not an easy task) to take me off on thursday. He said many of times a woman will go into labor 24-48 hours later... but there is the chance I may NOT go into labor. If I do not start labor, then I will be going in Monday to be induced.

The fetal monioring went well... not one contraction! Both babies cooperated (thanks to some help from starbucks... decaf of course)... so that is the plan. Regardless of the situation, I'm assuming this time next week I'll be a mom of 4!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

4 days and counting...

Ok not much to report... I wish there was, but there just isn't! So if you are praying these babies stay put, maybe we should all start to pray the opposite... for them to COME OUT!!! I'm not even feeling contractions (the tightening ones) anymore! I do however feel my water could break every time I move or stand up!

I go into the Dr. tomorrow and I guess we'll discuss when to go off meds and when/ if I need to be induced! On a positive note, I'm thankful we got them 8+ weeks away from Christmas so we don't go broke celebrating 2 birthdays so close to Christmas!

If anything changes.. I'll post it, but for now, I'm content on the magic couch!

Sunday, February 15, 2009

5 days and counting....

I sit here and wonder if I can get through this post without completely breaking down and sobbing. I assure you I can not.

I got a devastating phone call yesterday regarding someone close to me who is pregnant. This incredible woman found out that at 21 weeks her baby no longer has a heartbeat. Many of us have miscarried, but after 16-18 weeks, it's a completely different scenerio. She is now faced with the decision of either an induced natural birth vs. a csection, knowing that this perfect, yet tiny baby will not be coming home with them and joining his/her older sister. No matter how strong a person is, this has got to be one of the most heartbreaking times in a person's life. Without naming them, she and her husband are amazing, godly people. They never cease to bring smiles into any room and are just all around people of character! It is a priveledge to know them! She has been on my heart and mind for 24 hours straight. I ask that anyone reading this (whether you know them or not) will just offer up a prayer for them... I know it would be appreciated. She is being induced tonight and will deliver tonight or tomorrow. It's almost impossible for me to be excited and happy for what may (or may not) come my way this week, knowing that someone dear to me is hurting in an indescribable way! They do know this is God's will and that in time He will heal their pain, but for now the wounds are fresh and wide open!

I am so thankful they believe in God's sovereignty and His will, not ours, for their lives. I know this trial in their life will help them counsel and encourage others who will go through similar situations. We don't always understand the "why's" of things, but God doesn't promise us answers, He wants us to trust Him to know what is best for us.

Please join me in prayer today whenever you think of her. I thank you in advance.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

6 days and counting....

Well I am home and STILL pregnant! The fetal monitoring went well. Both babies were so active and we got our accelerations within 10 minutes!! I went into triage vs. the NST nurse. My triage Nurse was so wonderful!!!! I only had 2 contractions... but when she called my Dr. he of course gave his standard line "if they aren't painful for her, she's fine". So home we came, BUT not without stopping off to celebrate Valentine's Day at Outback Steakhouse (MY FAVORITE). I can't eat much since there just isn't any room left and I get heartburn easily!! Kingsley LOVES pregnant Andrea, because I'm such a cheap date now!!!

I wish you all a VERY Happy Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 13, 2009

7 days and counting.....

Here are a few pictures from yesterday.... I'm PROUDLY showing off my stretch marks... LOL. I was at first upset (but with twins it's a bit inevitable)... Now I realize they are going to be reminders of this wonderful 8-9 month journey!!! And then there is Kingsley imitating me at the hospital... in the wheelchair!

Kingsley should be home in a few hours... so far things are going great!!!

I'm a tad frustrated today though.... I have fetal monitoring at 2:00, which I tried to cancel since Kingsley is gone, and I just saw the twins yesterday and they are doing great! Been moving all morning, so I know they are OK! I tried to cancel but THEY WON'T LET ME!!!! The nurse called, then Dr. office, and laid into me... saying it's not option, etc... They said I can go into Labor & Delivery anytime in the middle of the night to do it there. So I guess I'll go at midnight when Kingsley is home!!! The only bad thing is that those car rides bring on contractions, plus they are worse at night, so when they see them on the monitor, they'll probably make me stay there!!! So who knows, this may be it! We'll see....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

8 Days and counting...(and 36 weeks)

I made it through another day!!! Every time I get in the car I think "this is it"... but now I find myself home on the couch once again.

Kingsley drove me down to the Peri appointment today. We got in there and the Dr. started the ultrasound and kept measuring our little girls head. He measured it a few times and kept looking at his charts, so I asked, "is her head big"? and he laughed and said, "Oh andrea, everything on these babies is BIG". I guess they were "off the charts" for size at this age (36 weeks) so he kept rechecking it. He measured everything else, their stomachs, kidneys, femurs, etc... then gave us the results... Our little girl is weighing in at 5.14 and our boy is 6.1!! He said "you basically have (2) 6 lb. babies! He then said it couldn't be a more perfect place to be!!

I asked him if we were able to get one more 3D ultrasound picture, but he said, with their size and age, it's virtually impossible to get a good picture. BUT... both babies cooperated and we ended up getting one last decent shot of them!! I was shocked to see Saylor's lips on her sister... and her chubby cheeks as well. The boy was harder to see, but seems they both are sporting the infamous "ramsey" nose. I got so teary eyed seeing them yawn and move ... just knowing it could be hours to days before I am holding them in my arms. Pregnancy, birth etc.. is just all around amazing in every way!

The car ride home was one of the worst ever. I started cramping and contracting so much that we almost headed right to the hospital. I kept thinking "if only i can get to the magic couch". I think Kingsley was opting for the hospital idea, but I convinced him to bring me home. I'm still contracting, but not every 4-5 min. like I was in the car. I just need to make it through tomorrow so Kingsley can be at the labor!!!

I couldn't be happier knowing their sizes are incredible for this point in pregnancy... now for the fun part... the pushing!!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Day 9 and counting...

Not much to report. I've been on the couch all day battling some rough heartburn! What a horrible feeling!!! I've been given the job of finding a boy's name... we keep deciding then changing it. The boss of the family is getting quite good at vetoing ideas!!! Hard to believe we haven't nailed down such an important decision at this point!!!

I also just found out that Kingsley will have to go to the Vegas area on Friday morning for a ticket (hmmm.... the man has a lead foot, I will admit). It could take most, if not all, of the day!!! I am really praying I don't go into labor anytime on that day or thursday night... how horrible it would be to not have him there!!! He really holds things together and puts things in perspective for me. He can support me and comfort me with just the way he looks at me, not a word needed. I really depend on him in labor!!! He just has a calming effect on me (though I think I have the COMPLETE opposite effect on him). So I'm doing all I can to keep these babies in there just past friday!!!

Tomorrow I have a Peri appointment again. The last time I saw the Dr. he said, "I'm pretty sure I won't see you in 4 weeks, but let's schedule an appointment anyway". I think he'll be surprised to see me:)

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Dr. Update

OK ... I really do believe that our couch is magical! I'm telling you ... I instantly STOP contracting when I am on it!!! That being said, yes, I contracted most of today .... 6 min apart for about 5 hours! I left at 1pm for the Dr.'s. Both babies are doing well with plenty (actually A LOT) of amniotic fluid around them, heartbeats are great, etc... My uterus is stretched to the max though! I am also now 75% effaced with a very soft cervix, but still 1-2 cm dialated. Even with changes, the Dr. sent me home.

After the Dr. appointment I had the NST at the hospital. They want to see a minimum of so many "accelerations" within a given time. Our little girl surprisingly was the one who cooperated, while our little guy did not. I had to drink some juice to get him more active. After what seemed like FOREVER we got a few accelerations out of him. The nurse wasn't happy with the results, so she had to take them over to my Dr. office to get his opinion. I was worried since I also had the contraction monitor on which was showing regular contractions every 6 minutes!! My Dr. surprisingly was extremely happy with the results on babies and released me to go home! Of course as we got on the 5 north there was an accident and we sat in traffic for a few hours!!! I just pray when I need to go to the hospital it won't take long!!!

I have my next Peri appointment on Thurs, so resting tomorrow will be helpful!

Anyway.... it seems labor could be tonight or 10 days from now... I just don't know at this point what will happen!!!

10.... the countdown has begun....

I'm pretty sure the MAXIMUM days left is 10!!! I'll find out for sure today as I am heading to the Dr. and then off to another NST (fetal monitoring).

I apologize to anyone that has called... I have been so shakey and jittery and can barely talk or hold the phone (thanks to the WONDERFUL side effects of Terbutaline)..... I haven't felt up to talking on the phone. So no, I'm not screening you!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

STILL pregnant and at home...

Just to clarify, since a lot of people think I had the babies, they have NOT made their big entrance YET. I am still at home letting them bake. I keep telling the kids it's like making cookies. The edges are cooked, but we are waiting for the middle part to turn from cookie dough into COOKIES!!! 10-12 days left!

I miss my babies...

I really REALLY am missing my babies today. I know they are in good hands, but I miss them more than I can express! What I would do for one hug or one kiss right now. It's been 2 weeks since I last saw them, but feels more like 2 years!!! I'm getting a very small glimpse of the empty nest syndrome... not liking it:)

Here are a few pictures taken back before the hospital stay... the day of the baby shower!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another day down...

Every day I'm not in labor seems to be a huge accomplishment (though I'm doing NOTHING more than laying on the couch). There is a "theory" that women go into labor around a full moon, and I hear Monday there will be a full moon! I say theory, because there doesn't seem to be any proof of it, but every single nurse I had laughed and said, "well, I am not sure why, but w/o question we are at our busiest time during the full moon!!! Let's pray it's NOT true in my case!

Today was kind of rough on me. I decided to google "effects of terbutaline on fetus" and freaked myself out. I couldn't pull myself away from the computer and just cried most of the day after reading what I did. It doesn't help that I was on magnesium sulfate as well. I know there is a time and place for medicine and if the benefits outweigh the risks etc..... but I hate that I could make a bad decision either way. If I stop taking the medicine I could be putting babies at risk, but if I continue taking them I could put them at risk as well! Thank goodness I believe in God's Sovereignty more than medicine! I put a call into my Dr. and he called me 3 times and did put me at ease. I know the internet is unfiltered, etc etc etc, but I can't help but think "what if there is truth in this and I KNOWINGLY continued the medicine"? Anyway, I think I'll trust my Dr.'s 40+ years experience over me reading a few websites.... besides, if it wasn't safe, he would've been sued by now! LOL... kind of. It's hard being pregnant ... you feel so responsible for their safety and well being.. long before they are brought into the world! Tonight I will think positive and know that no matter what I do or don't do, God's plan for these babies is what will happen regardless of little ole' me. (and some Ben & Jerry's will help me too).

I'm sad that I'll be missing church tomorrow....... thank goodness for podcasts and internet sermons:)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Fetal Monitoring

Today I had my first NST or fetal monitoring. It's basically what they did in the hospital. They hook up 2 monitors and a contraction monitor and just watch everything for 30 minutes. The goal of watching the twins is to get 2 "accelerations" in their heartrate within a certain time period. If I understood technician correctly, it's when the baby's heartrate goes above the baseline and comes back down. It's usually if they are moving. Both babies were very cooperative! We got more than 2 accelerations and were FREE to go!!! The only bad thing was there were 3 contractions in those 25-30 minutes. I'm pretty sure it was a combination of the car drive down and me laying on my back (a position that brings them on frequently). I also had another ultrasound to see their position. Both are still head down with PLENTY of amniotic fluid surrounding them! The technician had me scared for a minute b/c she was looking at the boy and kept saying "Oh look, it's a girl"... I said, "well we thought that was a boy"... she checked both and turns out there is still ONE boy and ONE girl!!!

It took us over 2 hours to get home.... you have to love LA traffic!! The ride was pretty bad! But now I'm back on my "miracle" couch. I say miracle b/c it's the one place my contractions subside (I'm sure it's partly mental on my part as well:)

My next Dr. appointment is on Tuesday with the fetal monitoring following. I'm counting down the days now.....

Thursday, February 5, 2009

35 week belly bump

Dr. update and 35 WEEKS!!

Here we are on the day I left the hospital to go home... a very wonderful moment!!!

I would've updated the site yesterday, but the day was a little scary and I spent the night resting... literally NOT MOVING!!

The day started out with me watching 4 c-sections (VERY DETAILED ones) on the discovery channel. I started freaking myself out. I started texting my nurse who I'm sure was laughing and encouraged me to switch channels, but my curiosity got the best of me and I just couldn't change the channel. I then got up and showered (something I don't take for granted anymore!). Kingsley came home and we headed to the hospital. The hospital I will deliver at is about 45 min away... and the car ride was HORRIBLE. Kingsley drove slow and safely, but just the constant jolting started contractions! I started getting nervous (which I'm sure didn't help the situation). The appointment itself went well. My Dr. measured my uterus and said "Wow, they are growing just perfectly"! My blood pressure was great and he found both babies heartbeats right away. We asked a few questions (primarily about He normally will deliver all multiples by c-section, unless the mother REALLY wants a natural delivery. Since both twins are head down, I of course opted for natural delivery. He obviously wouldn't object for a minute if I wanted a c-section! His last twin delivery resulted in both. The first girl came out fine, the 2nd girl got caught in birth canal and her hb dropped rapidly and he had 3 minutes to do a c-section (thus the reason I have to have an epidural and deliver in the OR). I told him I'd push until I got hemmoroids!!!! LOL.... He mentioned things getting more complicated. From here on out (which shouldn't be too long now) I need to get NST (fetal monitoring) twice a week. I go in tomorrow for the that. They basically just monitor the twins for about 30 minutes. I'll also go in on Tuesday for the NST and to my next Dr. appointment.

The contractions started up once we got into the car and headed home. I dropped kingsley off at work and I drove 10 min home just to realize I had NO HOUSE KEY!!! I sat in the car crying... contractions were every 4 minutes... I drove back to his work, then home again. It was awful. I thought for sure I was going straight back to the hospital that night!!!! I came home and immediately laid down. After about 2 hours, the contractions subsided! I was beyond thankful and do NOT underestimate the power of complete bed rest!!!

So that is the day in a nutshell. I'm praying that tomorrow's car ride isn't as bad!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

34.6 weeks

Here are some of the pictures that haunt me... lol. I've delivered both Keller and Saylor in the delivery rooms (which look like nice hotel rooms at our hospital). These are of the operating room. Very cold and sterile. They need me to deliver in there in case I need an emergency c-section.

ONE more day and I hit the 35 week mark, which I hear is a GREAT place to be for twins. There is a smaller chance for NICU time, though there may be some time spent there. I'm so excited to be close to that goal of 35 weeks!!!! I go see my Dr. tomorrow. I'm not sure if he'll check cervix, or do an ultrasound, or nothing at all.

It has been great being home. I've been obeying the Dr. and staying PUT on the couch!!! I get up to get water and that is about it. So not much to report there. I do feel contractions from time to time.. nothing regular though. I'm so thankful for everyone's prayers... it got me through a very tough 2 weeks.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

My friend, the couch (34.3 weeks)

Man, I've NEVER enjoyed a night's sleep on the couch so much!!! I kept rolling over thinking in my sleep "be careful of the catheter", then I realized I'm home and hooked up to NOTHING!!! It was quite an exciting night. In fact, Kingsley actually makes a pretty good nurse! He's been so wonderful and "easy on the eyes" compared to all my female

So far things are going well... not sure if I'm feeling contractions from time to time or if it's one of the babies moving. The Dr. says that is good... if I can't differentiate, it's not anything to worry about. I'm so used to staring at the monitor and getting scared everytime I saw the "hill" or contraction. My last day the nurse MADE me flip over so I couldn't see the monitor!!!

I know this is only temporary and one day soon I'll have my family back together (twins out, Keller and Saylor home)... and then I'll wish I had a whole night's sleep! But for now, I look forward to those sleepless nights!!!