Sunday, February 22, 2009


(Slade has all the dark hair and is smaller than his sister, Ramsey). Kingsley went right to work bundling them up and keeping them warm. The last picture is of Ramsey and the 1st, 4th and 5th pictures are of Slade)

What a day! Words can never describe what today was like. I will try and express it with details, but truly it was a day like NO OTHER! There are few times in your life when time just seems to stand still.. and today was one of them!!!

At 9:45 I was checked and we realized that Slade's water had ruptured. I was also 5-6 CM dialated. This was so hopeful as we really thought labor would go fast! So it was around 11:00am when our nurse came in and we were dying to know if I had dialated past the previous 5-6 CM. She informed us that she had just checked an hour or so prior and that she didn't want to check that often b/c of the risk of infection. My Dr. happened to walk in at that moment and said, "let's see if there has been any progress"... as soon as he checked me, he said "WHOA, it's time". He said I was fully dialtated and that we needed to prepare the OR right away. The shock just hit me... it was BABY TIME. I panicked a little, but then managed to get some chapstick on and pray for what was about to come. The nurse quickly brought in scrubs and booties and hats for my mom and Kingsley to wear. They wheeled me down to the OR and put me on the table. I was shaking like there was no tomorrow. I was so excited to FINALLY meet my babies, but it just seemed so unreal to me at the moment. We had so many people in the room. Once my Dr. arrived around 11:25 he just said, "don't push yet". He pushed on my stomach (REAL HARD) and manipulated it around. Then he said push on the next contraction... I pushed for 10 seconds, the another 10 seconds and on the 3rd 10 second push little Slade came screaming into the world weighing 6.2! He was born at 11:36am! Then the Dr. proceeded to do the same thing to little Ramsey. He pushed and pushed on my stomach getting her into the birth canal. I actually had to push through 3 contractions... but she was born 5 min. after her big brother and weighed 6.14! Both of them came out crying which was music to my ears. I couldn't stop crying! Meanwhile I had to deliver the placenta's and THAT was WORSE than delivering my precious babies! I pushed through that and I realized that Slade had caused a 2nd degree tear! The Dr. was busy sewing me up but was concerned with the amount of blood I had lost. He gave me a shot of something that was to clot my blood, but that didn't work. He mentioned doing a blood transfusion.. but they gave me 2 shots of hemabate and that seemed to have worked. They wheeled my back to my room at 12:20! The entire pushing, and clean up totaled less than an HOUR! It was amazing and fast! They took the twins to the recovery room since Slade had some fluid in his lungs that he needed to expel. I ended up joining them and just couldn't take my eyes off of them. I was extremely nauseated and light headed. I really was struggling to even make sense of it all, but I'm pretty sure it was due to lack of blood combined with all the meds! After an hour we went into our room and my dad brought Keller and Saylor in to meet their new brother and sister! Saylor was quite interested, but Keller was more interested in the "toys" that his new brother and sister had gotten him!

Both Ramsey and Slade are nursing beautifully! They are naturals! We just moved up to the post labor department. They got their baths and are doing perfect! I am doing pretty good as well. My uterus is struggling to adjust to life w/o babies.

It was amazing to see Kingsley in his scrubs holding his two new newborns. I just sat in awe of the picture of him and these TWO little ones. I don't think I've ever been MORE attracted to Kingsley! It was a beautiful moment. What made the day even MORE special was the fact that my mom came to the hospital at 1am on Sunday and sacrificed sleep to be with me during this incredible time. She kept me laughing and entertained. She was a huge source of encouragment and support. In the OR she held my hand and just kept encouraging me over and over again. She was amazing and it meant the world to me to have that moment to bond with her.

Again there are NO words to describe giving birth, holding, kissing, nursing TWO little precious babies! I thank God for these little blessings that are now in our life!

6 comments: said...

They are so beautiful!! I'm so excited for you guys..
Love you much!

Erin S said...

The beautiful faces make me teary!!!

I hope you are felling a bit better today. Just rest as much as you can. And use those nurses!!!

I am so happy for you! You did all the hard stuff, now enjoy!!

jennifer said...

Wow, that is very exciting! i can't wait to hold them. so happy to hear all is well!! love you!

Anonymous said...

Okay, reading the story and crying my eyes out!! So happy for you. What an incredible moment for you all! There is nothing like it! you got me really excited to meet our little guy for the first time!

Good Job!!!

kirsten said...

I am soooo excited for you and Kingsley! what beautiful babies! And I love the different names.

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