Thursday, February 5, 2009

Dr. update and 35 WEEKS!!

Here we are on the day I left the hospital to go home... a very wonderful moment!!!

I would've updated the site yesterday, but the day was a little scary and I spent the night resting... literally NOT MOVING!!

The day started out with me watching 4 c-sections (VERY DETAILED ones) on the discovery channel. I started freaking myself out. I started texting my nurse who I'm sure was laughing and encouraged me to switch channels, but my curiosity got the best of me and I just couldn't change the channel. I then got up and showered (something I don't take for granted anymore!). Kingsley came home and we headed to the hospital. The hospital I will deliver at is about 45 min away... and the car ride was HORRIBLE. Kingsley drove slow and safely, but just the constant jolting started contractions! I started getting nervous (which I'm sure didn't help the situation). The appointment itself went well. My Dr. measured my uterus and said "Wow, they are growing just perfectly"! My blood pressure was great and he found both babies heartbeats right away. We asked a few questions (primarily about He normally will deliver all multiples by c-section, unless the mother REALLY wants a natural delivery. Since both twins are head down, I of course opted for natural delivery. He obviously wouldn't object for a minute if I wanted a c-section! His last twin delivery resulted in both. The first girl came out fine, the 2nd girl got caught in birth canal and her hb dropped rapidly and he had 3 minutes to do a c-section (thus the reason I have to have an epidural and deliver in the OR). I told him I'd push until I got hemmoroids!!!! LOL.... He mentioned things getting more complicated. From here on out (which shouldn't be too long now) I need to get NST (fetal monitoring) twice a week. I go in tomorrow for the that. They basically just monitor the twins for about 30 minutes. I'll also go in on Tuesday for the NST and to my next Dr. appointment.

The contractions started up once we got into the car and headed home. I dropped kingsley off at work and I drove 10 min home just to realize I had NO HOUSE KEY!!! I sat in the car crying... contractions were every 4 minutes... I drove back to his work, then home again. It was awful. I thought for sure I was going straight back to the hospital that night!!!! I came home and immediately laid down. After about 2 hours, the contractions subsided! I was beyond thankful and do NOT underestimate the power of complete bed rest!!!

So that is the day in a nutshell. I'm praying that tomorrow's car ride isn't as bad!


Sherylc said...

Hey Andrea! it's your cousin Sheryl! You are so amazing! I've passed your blog on to a girl that I work with at school. She's our
7th grade secretary and is due about a week b/f you or after you I"m not sure. She told me today that she has been following your blog. She's still at work but told me today that she's going to have the babies on Tuesday. I think she's really enjoyed reading your blog. It's so cool! You are doing a GREAT job! And you mom is so sweet to take over with the kids and all.

Hang in there and we'll keep praying for a healthy delivery.

Sherylc said...

oh, hey my friend at work is having twins just like you-a boy and a girl!

Andrea said...

WOW... that is so amazing... I wish she lived closer and we could start a multiples group here:) I'll be praying for her.... it's like there is a "dark" cloud hanging over our heads (labor) and now she knows when hers will disappear, I'm a little jealous! LOL.... Please let me know how it goes on Tuesday! I hope all is well with your family!!!!