Monday, February 23, 2009

Please PLEASE pray for our little Slade

Please pray for our little Slade. Last night he was having trouble breathing... he was grunting (which I thought was a cute cry until I was informed it's a dangerous cry). They thought he just had some amniotic fluid in his lungs, but his lungs seemed clear after they checked them. The grunting and respitory distress got worse and around 5am it was apparent he was in a lot of pain. The nurses called in his pediatrician who then ordered his stomach to be pumped, a chest xray and 2 blood work tests. The stomach pump went great... a little flecks of blood from probably taking in maternal blood during delivery, the xrays came back clean and wonderful, so now we are waiting on the results from his blood. 2 tests came back normal and they ordered another one this afternoon. We'll know tomorrow if it's a possible infection of some sort. They had to take him to NICU around 10 this morning. I'm glad they did b/c his status was starting to freak me out. Kingsley came in and has been with him for hours in the NICU. He stopped breastfeeding (which we'll resume once he's out:), so Kingsley sits and gives him a bottle. His oxygen saturation and heartrate have been stable, so there is no telling what is causing all of this. The NICU Dr. came in to explain it all and he's just as baffled. He said if I had a c-section it would explain a lot, but a natural delivery of a baby his size and full term shouldn't be grunting and retracting (struggling to breathe) at this point. SO.... we don't really know what is going on. I feel helpless and want to do something for him, but he has to battle this out. I look into my little baby warmer and see Ramsey and think "look how lonely she looks". Even for it only being a day, it just seems normal to have 2 babies in the bassinett, and to see one is sad for us. We know he's in good hands as the NICU is 1:1 ratio for babies/nurse. He's getting around the clock care and he's been bonding with his daddy.

He may not be able to come home with us tomorrow, but there is a small chance he may. I can't imagine leaving him behind. He's been such a trooper. I've started pumping breastmilk for him, and am really sore. I also didn't realize how sore I'd be after labor (2nd degree tear). Just moving is very difficult, let alone trying to take care of 2 babies. I know it's all temporary and is so small in comparison of the amazing blessings God has just given me. Thank you in advance for lifting him up in your prayers.

2 comments: said...

Thanks for the update. We'll be praying that Slade gets to come home tomorrow and be with his "sidekick"...and of course you 2!
I admire you so much.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about Slade. As you mentioned, he is in the best place. And, I have faith they will determine what is going on and he will be home very soon! Hang in there!

Lori White