Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3 day and counting....

Another great Dr. appointment! We just got back from our VERY last (with this pregnancy) Dr. appointment. The next time we see our Dr. it will be baby pushing time! He checked me again and I'm still 1-2 cm dialated, 75% effaced and our little guy is -1 station. He originally wanted to take me off the terbutaline (contraction medicine) on Friday, but I convinced him (not an easy task) to take me off on thursday. He said many of times a woman will go into labor 24-48 hours later... but there is the chance I may NOT go into labor. If I do not start labor, then I will be going in Monday to be induced.

The fetal monioring went well... not one contraction! Both babies cooperated (thanks to some help from starbucks... decaf of course)... so that is the plan. Regardless of the situation, I'm assuming this time next week I'll be a mom of 4!!!


SunshineBarlowe.com said...

wooohooo!! you guys are about to kick it up a notch ... can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! I know you are dying to get on with it. You have great patience...can't imagine how your feeling. I'm only 32 weeks with 1 and don't know how I will be able to mentally hold out for another 7-8 weeks!
Anyway, maybe this will give me a chance to get thru this little cold so I can visit you and the babies when they come. It's all about me you know!

By the way, you look great! Love the shot in front of the pictures of K2and Say-Say.

Anonymous said...

What do you mean w/ THIS pregnancy?? Praying you into the next phase of motherhood!!

Andrea said...

LOL... Chelsea... you never know what God has in store for you... that is all I'm saying. Hope you are doing well.

SunshineBarlowe.com said...


I was thinking the same thing.. "this pregnancy"

ha ha.
I just didn't say anything.